atom / github

:octocat: Git and GitHub integration for Atom
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Performance Testing #627

Open ungb opened 7 years ago

ungb commented 7 years ago

Keep track of performance testing


Atom Version (atom --version): Atom : 1.17.0-dev-9d5d09f Electron: 1.3.14 Chrome : 52.0.2743.82 Node : 6.5.0

GitHub Package Version (git --git-dir ~/.atom/packages/github/.git rev-parse head): 9575df334ecb753077ff57c77e0564f95c34f21e

ungb commented 7 years ago

While doing a push for a 1 line change took a while. Just wanted to add the git timing to see if anything looks fishy.

Was on windows using https url on a private repo