atoum / AtoumBundle

This bundle provides a simple integration of atoum into Symfony 2.
MIT License
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Different command interfaces? #63

Open flip111 opened 10 years ago

flip111 commented 10 years ago

When running console atoum MyVendorMyBundle --env=test i get:

There is no test found on "MyVendorMyBundle".
Error: No test found
Usage: atoum [path/to/test/file] [options]
Available options are:
                                                                 -h, --help: Display this help
                                   -c <file>..., --configurations <file>...: Use all configuration files <file>
                                                              -v, --version: Display version
                                                        +verbose, ++verbose: Enable verbose mode
                                                                     --init: Create configuration and bootstrap files in the current directory
                        -p <path/to/php/binary>, --php <path/to/php/binary>: Path to PHP binary which must be used to run tests
                             -drt <string>, --default-report-title <string>: Define default report title with <string>
                                            -sf <file>, --score-file <file>: Save score in file <file>
                            -mcn <integer>, --max-children-number <integer>: Maximum number of sub-processus which will be run simultaneously
                                                   -ncc, --no-code-coverage: Disable code coverage
    -nccid <directory>..., --no-code-coverage-in-directories <directory>...: Disable code coverage in directories <directory>
   -nccfns <namespace>..., --no-code-coverage-for-namespaces <namespace>...: Disable code coverage for namespaces <namespace>
               -nccfc <class>..., --no-code-coverage-for-classes <class>...: Disable code coverage for classes <class>
                                            -f <file>..., --files <file>...: Execute all unit test files <file>
                            -d <directory>..., --directories <directory>...: Execute unit test files in all <directory>
                 -tfe <extension>..., --test-file-extensions <extension>...: Execute unit test files with one of extensions <extension>
                                       -g <pattern>..., --glob <pattern>...: Execute unit test files which match <pattern>
                                               -t <tag>..., --tags <tag>...: Execute only unit test with tags <tag>
                        -m <class::method>..., --methods <class::method>...: Execute all <class::method>, * may be used as wildcard for class name or method name
                            -ns <namespace>..., --namespaces <namespace>...: Execute all classes in all namespaces <namespace>
                                                                 -l, --loop: Execute tests in an infinite loop
                                                                  --test-it: Execute atoum unit tests
                                                                 --test-all: DEPRECATED, please do $runner->addTestsFromDirectory('path/to/default/tests/directory') in a configurat
ion file and use atoum without any argument instead
                                                      -ft, --force-terminal: Force output as in terminal
                                        -bf <file>, --bootstrap-file <file>: Include <file> before executing each test method
                                                   -ulr, --use-light-report: Use "light" CLI report
                                                     -utr, --use-tap-report: Use TAP report
                                                                    --debug: Enable debug mode
                                                       -xc, --xdebug-config: Set XDEBUG_CONFIG variable

but when typing console atoum --help it mentions different options the previously mentioned:

 atoum [-bf|--bootstrap-file="..."] [--no-code-coverage] [-mcn|--max-children-number="..."] [bundles1] ... [bundlesN]

 bundles                      Launch tests of these bundles.

 --bootstrap-file (-bf)       Define the bootstrap file
 --no-code-coverage           Disable code coverage (big speed increase)
 --max-children-number (-mcn) Maximum number of sub-processus which will be run simultaneously
 --help (-h)                  Display this help message.
 --quiet (-q)                 Do not output any message.
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv)        Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
 --version (-V)               Display this application version.
 --ansi                       Force ANSI output.
 --no-ansi                    Disable ANSI output.
 --no-interaction (-n)        Do not ask any interactive question.
 --shell (-s)                 Launch the shell.
 --process-isolation          Launch commands from shell as a separate process.
 --env (-e)                   The Environment name. (default: "dev")
 --no-debug                   Switches off debug mode.

 Launch tests of AcmeFooBundle:

 ./app/console atoum AcmeFooBundle

 Launch tests of many bundles:

 ./app/console atoum AcmeFooBundle bundle_alias_extension ...

 Launch tests of all bundles defined on configuration:

 ./app/console atoum
flip111 commented 10 years ago

I found out that the symfony command doesn't expose (relay) the commands from atoum. But there are some really nice options in there.