atoum / AtoumBundle

This bundle provides a simple integration of atoum into Symfony 2.
MIT License
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Add a command to generate test file #88

Open CedCannes opened 8 years ago

CedCannes commented 8 years ago

it would be convenient for people like me who have no memory or for programmers who want to get started quickly, having a command that generates a test class with everything needed to start.

For example : With the command :

app/console atoum:generate:unittest AppBundle/DataTransformer/AwesomeDataTransformer

it would generate a file :


which would contain the test class and a basic test just to check that the test run well. Like this :

namespace AppBundle\Tests\Units\DataTransformer;

use atoum;

class AwesomeDataTransformer extends atoum
     * this test is generated by atoum command
    public function testBasic()

There generators in Symfony and that makes life easier sometimes. I think the developers using Symfony would be more enthusiastic if can they could play quickly with atoum.

Grummfy commented 8 years ago


CedCannes commented 8 years ago

It appears there is already a generator in atoum.