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Problem with newTestedInstance and class with wrong reflection #494

Open jubianchi opened 9 years ago

jubianchi commented 9 years ago

@vonglasow reported a problem using newTestedInstance/newInstance on PHP classes for which the reflection is not correct:


namespace tests\units;

use atoum;

class splFileObject extends atoum
    public function testFoo()
        new \SplFileObject(__FILE__);

    public function testBar()

This test will produce an error in the testBar method only: SplplFileObject::__construct(test.php): failed to open stream: Invalid argument. Why ? Because the reflection on \SplFileObject is wrong:

As a workaround, we could provide some kind of configurable factory for the newTestedInstance/newInstance methods. Here is an example:


namespace tests\units;

use atoum;

class splFileObject extends atoum
    public function beforeTestMethod($method)
        $class = $this->getTestedClassName();

        $this->instanciateTestedClassThrough(function($filename, $open_mode = null, $use_include_path = null, $context = null) use ($class) {
            return new $class($filename, $open_mode ?: 'r', $use_include_path ?: false, $context);

    public function testFoo()
        new \SplFileObject(__FILE__);

    public function testBar()
jubianchi commented 9 years ago

I'm implementing the feature and I don't know what to choose between:


$testedClassName = $this->getTestedClassName();

$this->instanciateTestedClassWith(function($arg1, $arg2 = null) use ($testedClassName) {
    return new $testedClassName($arg1, $arg2);


$this->instanciateTestedClassWith(function($testedClassName, $arg1, $arg2 = null) {
    return new $testedClassName($arg1, $arg2);


$this->instanciateTestedClassWith(function(\reflectionClass $testedClass, $arg1, $arg2 = null) {
    return $testedClass->newInstanceArgs(array($arg1, $arg2));

The 1. forces the user to set a temporary variable holding the tested class name and use it in the closure. So I wrote the 2. which automatically passes the tested class name as the first argument of the factory closure. And then, I came up with the third solution which seems more flexible to me.

if we only consider php >= 5.3 && < 5.6 I would say that the 2. is the best. Now if we consider PHP >= 5.6 the 3. seems better, for example it will allow things like

$this->instanciateTestedClassWith(function(\reflectionClass $testedClass, $arg1 = null, ...$args) {
    array_unshift($args, $arg1 ?: 'foobar');

    return $testedClass->newInstanceArgs($args);

@atoum/all let me know what you think :)

Hywan commented 9 years ago

3 sounds pretty good.

iamdey commented 9 years ago

I vote for 2 which sounds simple to use / understand

jubianchi commented 9 years ago

@esion in fact, you are right. As we discussed together, the 2. still lets the user do:

$this->instanciateTestedClassWith(function($testedClassName, $arg1 = null, ...$args) {
    array_unshift($args, $arg1 ?: 'foobar');

    return new $testedClassName(...$args);

So now I would say 2. is better for both php >= 5.3 && < 5.6 and >= 5.6

vonglasow commented 9 years ago

2 looks good for me too.

mikaelrandy commented 9 years ago

My initial reaction was to find solution 2 easier to understand, but the @jubianchi last argument finally convinced me for the solution 3

vonglasow commented 8 years ago

ping ?

Grummfy commented 8 years ago


Grummfy commented 6 years ago

let drop it?