auanasgheps / snapraid-aio-script

The definitive all-in-one SnapRAID script on Linux. Diff, sync, scrub are things of the past. Manage SnapRAID and much, much more!
GNU General Public License v3.0
239 stars 37 forks source link
docker helper omv openmediavault parity raid script snapraid snapraid-aio-script wrapper

Snapraid AIO Script

The definitive all-in-one SnapRAID script on Linux. I hope you'll agree :).

There are many SnapRAID scripts out there, but none has the features I want. So I made my own, inspired by existing solutions.

It is meant to be run periodically (daily), do the heavy lifting and send an email you will actually read.

Supports single and dual parity configurations. It is highly customizable and has been tested with Debian 11/12 and OpenMediaVault 6/7.

Contributions are welcome!

Table of Contents


How it works

Additional Features


Many options can be changed to your taste, their behavior is documented in the config file. If you don't know what to do, I recommend using the default values and see how it performs.

Customizable features

You can also change more advanced options such SnapRAID binary location, log file location and mail binary. If your mail binary uses different commands than mailx, use the Notification Hook feature.

A nice email report

This script produces emails that don't contain a list of changed files to improve clarity.

You can re-enable full output in the email by switching the option VERBOSITY. The full report is available in /tmp/snapRAID.out but will be replaced after each run, or deleted when the system is shut down. You can enable the retention policy to keep logs for some days and customize the folder location.

Here's an example email report.

## [COMPLETED] DIFF + SYNC + SCRUB Jobs (SnapRAID on omv-test.local)
SnapRAID Script Job started [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:37 CEST 2021]
Running SnapRAID version 11.5
SnapRAID AIO Script version X.YZ


## Preprocessing integration is enabled.
Configuration file found.
Checking if all parity and content files are present.
All parity files found.
All content files found.
Docker containers management is enabled.

### Stopping Containers [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:37 CEST 2021]
Stopping Container - Code-server
Stopping Container - Portainer


## Processing
### SnapRAID TOUCH [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:37 CEST 2021]
Checking for zero sub-second files.
No zero sub-second timestamp files found.
TOUCH finished [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:38 CEST 2021]

### SnapRAID DIFF [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:38 CEST 2021]
DIFF finished [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:38 CEST 2021]
**SUMMARY of changes - Added [0] - Deleted [0] - Moved [0] - Copied [0] - Updated [1]**
There are no deleted files, that's fine.
There are updated files. The number of updated files (1) is below the threshold of (500).
SYNC is authorized. [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:38 CEST 2021]

### SnapRAID SYNC [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:38 CEST 2021]
Self test...  
Loading state from /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Scanning disk DATA1...  
Scanning disk DATA2...  
Using 0 MiB of memory for the file-system.  
SYNC - Everything OK  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content...  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Using 32 MiB of memory for 32 cached blocks.  
    DATA1 12% | *******  
    DATA2 82% | ************************************************  
   parity  0% |   
 2-parity  0% |   
     raid  1% | *  
     hash  1% |   
    sched 11% | ******  
     misc  0% |   
                            wait time (total, less is better)  
SYNC - Everything OK  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content...  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content in 0 seconds

SYNC finished [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:40 CEST 2021]

### SnapRAID SCRUB [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:40 CEST 2021]
Self test...  
Loading state from /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Using 0 MiB of memory for the file-system.  
Using 48 MiB of memory for 32 cached blocks.  
    DATA1  2% | *  
    DATA2 18% | **********  
   parity  0% |   
 2-parity  0% |   
     raid 21% | ************  
     hash  7% | ****  
    sched 51% | ******************************  
     misc  0% |   
                            wait time (total, less is better)  
SCRUB - Everything OK  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content...  
Saving state to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content...  
Verifying /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content...  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK4/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK3/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK2/snapraid.content in 0 seconds  
Verified /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DISK1/snapraid.content in 0 seconds

SCRUB finished [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:41 CEST 2021]


## Postprocessing
SnapRAID Smart
SnapRAID SMART report:  
   Temp  Power   Error   FP Size  
      C OnDays   Count        TB  Serial                Device    Disk  
      -      -       -  SSD  0.0  00000000000000000001  /dev/sdb  DATA1  
      -      -       -  SSD  0.0  01000000000000000001  /dev/sdc  DATA2  
      -      -       -    -  0.0  02000000000000000001  /dev/sdd  parity  
      -      -       -  SSD  0.0  03000000000000000001  /dev/sde  2-parity  
      -      -       -  n/a    -  -                     /dev/sr0  -  
      0      -       -    -  0.0  -                     /dev/sda  -  
The FP column is the estimated probability (in percentage) that the disk  
is going to fail in the next year.  
Probability that at least one disk is going to fail in the next year is 0%.

## Restarting Containers [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:41 CEST 2021]

Restarting Container - Code-server
Restarting Container - Portainer
All jobs ended. [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:41 CEST 2021]
Email address is set. Sending email report to [Tue 20 Apr 11:43:41 CEST 2021]


If you are running a Debian based distro (with apt package manager) the script will automatically install these dependencies for you.

Dependencies that require manual installation:


  1. Install the packages listed in the Requirements section if you're not running a distro with apt package manager
  2. Download the latest version from Releases
  3. Extract the archive wherever you prefer
    • e.g. /usr/sbin/snapraid
  4. Give executable rights to the main script
    • chmod +x
  5. Open the config file and make changes to the config file as required.
    • Every config is documented but defaults are pretty resonable, so don't make changes if you're not sure.
    • When you see "" or '' in some options, do not remove these characters but just fill in your data.
    • If you want to spindown your disks, you need to install hd-idle
  6. Schedule the script execution.
    • I recommend running the script daily.

TIP: To use multiple config files, you can create different schedules. Just append the config file path after the script, like /home/

It is tested on OMV6 and OMV7, but will work on other distros. In such case you may have to change the mail binary or SnapRAID location.


OMV7's SnapRAID plugins introduced support for multiple arrays. This means each SnapRAID config file does not have a predictable name, unlike what occurred with OMV6 or standard SnapRAID installs. If running on OMV7, the AIO Script will search for a SnapRAID configuration file in the new path /etc/snapraid/. If multiple arrays are found, it will inform you to adjust your configuration.

First Run

If you start with empty disks, you cannot use (yet) this script, since it expects SnapRAID files which would not be found.

First run snapraid sync. Once completed, the array will be ready to be used with this script.

OMV and SnapRAID plugin

This script perfectly replaces the OMV built-in script. In the OMV GUI, browse to System > Scheduled Tasks and remove/disable the omv-snapraid-diff job. Also, you can igore all the settings you find at Services > SnapRAID > Diff Script Settings, since they only apply to the plugin's built-in script.

Installing hd-idle for Automatic Disk Spindown

If you would like to enable automatic disk spindown after the script job runs, then you will need to install hd-idle. The version included in default Debian and Ubuntu repositories is buggy and out of date - fortunately developer adelolmo has improved the project and released an updated version.

NOTE: This script is NOT compatible with the hd-idle version found in the Debian repositories. You must use the updated hd-idle binaries for spindown to work. If you receive and error such as hd-idle cannot spindown scsi disk /dev//dev/sda: then that is a sign that you are using the old/buggy version. Follow the instructions below to update.

  1. Remove any previously existing versions of hd-idle, either by manually removing the binaries, or running apt remove hd-idle to remove the version from the default respositories.
  2. For all recent Ubuntu and Debian releases, install the developers's repository using instructions on the developer's website. The command snippet below will select the correct repository based on your current release, and add it to your apt sources.
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb$(lsb_release -cs) $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  1. Run apt update, and apt install hd-idle to install the updated version. You do not need to specify the respository, apt will automatically install the newset version from the new repository.
  2. In your file, change SPINDOWN=0 to SPINDOWN=1 to enable spindown.
  3. If you wish to use hd-idle as a service to manage your disks outside of the scope of the Snapraid AIO Script, refer to these additional instructions on the OpenMediaVault forum.


If you are using a previous version of the script, do not use your config file. Please move your preferences to the new found in the archive.

Known Issues

Star History

Star History Chart


All rights belong to the respective creators. This script would not exist without: