audiamus / BookLibConnect

A standalone Audible downloader and decrypter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Using BookLibConnect to only download AAX file #98

Closed vkallsen closed 1 year ago

vkallsen commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've been downloading all of my Audible books with this tool and then convert them with AaxAudioConverter. It may be a moot point, but it seems like this tool downloads all the audiobooks as both a m4b and an aax file. Then when I go into AaxAudioConverter I can break down the aax file into chapter by chapter m4b files that I can download to my phone to play. So I would end up with an m4b whole book file and a folder of chapter by chapter m4b files. Is there a way to have Book Lib Connect only get meet the aax files? I think at this point I will keep the full book m4b file until I convert to a chapter by chapter m4b files but it's a lot of time that gets waisted for something I'm going to eventually delete. Just wanted to verify there's not a button I'm missing to only download as aax or a better way to use Book Lib Connect and AaxAudioConverter.

audiamus commented 1 year ago

Book Lib Connect never downloads .aax, it always downloads .aaxc.

Let me try to explain why it is done this way:

My plan still is to combine AAX Audio Converter and Book Lib Connect into a single application but that involves significant redesign for which I did not find the time in the last year.