aurora-opensource / xviz

A protocol for real-time transfer and visualization of autonomy data
Apache License 2.0
1k stars 226 forks source link replay rosbag error #706

Open quanhuanhuan opened 1 year ago

quanhuanhuan commented 1 year ago

Hello, I want to use replay rosbag file. I have tried both methods in the official documents, but there are problems with both.

1.I want to convert the rosbag file to xviz, but an exception occurred command:pylot@pylot:/home/xviz/examples/converters/ros-custom$ node index.js convert --rosConfig kitti.json -d /home/xviz-data/test/ /home/kitti/rosbag/kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0005_synced.bag 截图 2022-07-19 17-09-48

2.pylot@pylot:/home/software/xviz/examples/converters/ros$ node index.js -d /home/kitti/rosbag --rosConfig config-2.json 截图 2022-07-19 17-09-48