ausimian / forecastle

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Build-time support for hot-code upgrades.

Forecastle provides build-time support for the generation of releases that correctly support hot-code upgrades. This includes:

Additionally, Forecastle ships with a appup compiler and a mix task for relup generation.


Forecastle is not intended to be taken as a direct dependency. Most applications should prefer to take a dependency on Castle directly which will, in turn take a build-time dependency on Forecastle.

For projects that don't define a release, but use the appup compiler, it's sufficient to bring Castle in as a build-time dependency:

def deps do
    {:castle, "~> 0.3.0", runtime: false}

For projects that do define one or more releases, Castle should be brought in as a runtime dependency:

def deps do
    {:castle, "~> 0.3.0"}


Forecastle integrates into the steps of the release assembly process. It requires that the Forecastle.pre_assemble/1 and Forecastle.post_assemble/1 functions are placed around the :assemble step, e.g.:

defp releases do
    myapp: [
      include_executables_for: [:unix],
      steps: [&Forecastle.pre_assemble/1, :assemble, &Forecastle.post_assemble/1, :tar]

Build Time Support

The following steps shape the release at build-time:


In the pre-assembly step:

The system is then assembled under the :assemble step as normal.


In the post-assembly step:

The Appup Compiler

You are responsible for writing the appup scripts for your application, but Forecastle will copy the appup into the ebin folder for you. The steps are as follows:

  1. Write a file, in Elixir form, describing the application upgrade. e.g.:
    # You can call the file what you like, e.g. appup.exs,
    '0.1.1', # Code is eval'd so can also: to_charlist(Mix.Project.config[:version]),
      {'0.1.0', [
        {:update, MyApp.Server, {:advanced, []}}
      {'0.1.0', [
        {:update, MyApp.Server, {:advanced, []}}

    This file will typically be checked in to SCM.

  2. Add the appup file to the Mix project definition in mix.exs and add the :appup compiler.
    # Mix.exs
    def project do
       appup: "appup.exs", # Relative to the project root.
       compilers: Mix.compilers() ++ [:appup]

Relup Generation

Forecastle contains a mix task, forecastle.relup, that simplifies the generation of the relup file. Assuming you have two unpacked releases e.g. 0.1.0 and 0.1.1 and you wish to generate a relup between them:

> mix forecastle.relup --target myapp/releases/0.1.1/myapp --fromto myapp/releases/0.1.0/myapp

If the generated file is in the project root, it will be copied during post-assembly to the release.