avakar / pycson

A Coffescript Object Notation (CSON) parser for Python 2 and Python 3.
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JS port? #12

Closed fabiospampinato closed 5 years ago

fabiospampinato commented 5 years ago

I'd be very interested in having a JavaScript/TypeScript port of this library available, as I need something that can understand CSON in Notable so that it can import notes from Boostnote.

All the currently available JS implementations import the entirety of coffescript as a dependency, and that is both wasteful and is a roadblock for me on what code can run on the browser.

pycson seems the best lightweight implementation I could find, so @avakar would you be interested in porting this library to JS/TS?

fabiospampinato commented 5 years ago

Nevermind, I wrote my own parser, still based on PEG, it isn't great but it works well enough for my use case.

If you'd like to help me make it better that'd be great.