TESS Atlas
To install the necessary packages, run
python -m pip install -e .
make run
make website
to convert the notebooks to HTML and upload to the gh-pages branch and deploy to github-pagesTo run the analysis for one TOI, you can run
run_toi <toi id number>
where an example <toi id number> = 724
To only setup the notebook + data needed for the analysis for one TOI, you can run
run_toi <toi id number> --setup
where an example <toi id number> = 724
To run all the notebooks (in batches of 8), you can run
To make the slurm files needed to analyse a CSV of TOIs you can run:
make_slurm_job --toi_csv toi_ids.csv --module_loads "git/2.18.0 gcc/9.2.0 openmpi/4.0.2 python/3.8.5"
Or, if you want to make the slurm job for just one TOI:
make_slurm_job --toi_number 174 --module_loads 'git/2.18.0 gcc/9.2.0 openmpi/4.0.2 python/3.8.5'
You can download completed analyses with
download_toi 103 --outdir analysed_tois
Use the following to run tests (skipping slow tests)
python -m pip install -e ".[test]"
pytest tests/
The following only runs the slow ones
pytest -vv -k "slow" tests/test_template_notebook.py
Once all your analyses are complete, you can package all the runs into a website:
make_webpages --webdir webpages --notebooks {notebook_dir} --add-api
Using add-api
will copy over the data files in addition to making the webpages (but can be a bit slow!)
When this completes, you should have a zipped file with the webpages+data: tess_atlas_pages.tar.gz
We are storing the website data on a Nectar project. Assuming you are a part of the project, the steps to deploy are
into Nectar's webdir.ssh -i ~/.ssh/nectarkey.pem ec2-user@
cd /mnt/storage/
mv _build trash
scp avajpeyi@ozstar.swin.edu.au:/fred/oz200/avajpeyi/projects/atlas_runs/tess_atlas_pages.tar.gz .
tar -xvzf tess_atlas_pages.tar.gz
rm -rf trash
to pypiTo publish to pypi, you will need admin access to this repo.
Then, publishing just requires you to change the version number tag
a commit.
The pypi_release
github action will (hopefully) take care of the rest.