avogelba / WinDirStats

WinDirStats - Windows Directory Statistics, private clone from:
GNU General Public License v2.0
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feature suggestion: hiding items #30

Open avogelba opened 10 years ago

avogelba commented 10 years ago

Originally reported by: Oliver (Bitbucket: assarbad, GitHub: assarbad)

Reported by email.

I've been using windirstat for years (since switching from sequoiaview, in fact), and couldn't think of anything to add to it. I've finally thought of one though - the ability to hide a directory, e.g. by right clicking in the directory list and selecting 'hide'. This would allow the remaining items to fill the tree map, to zoom in on the remaining directories. There would have to be a 'restore hidden items' option on the menu to reset it, too.

The use case was my data drive, with a load of photos that dominate the treemap. If I could only hide the photos, I could see how the rest of the space is being taken up.

I loaded the published 1.1.2 source into VS2010, and found a load of compilation problems. Later, after fixing them, I noticed there was a branch in sourceforge from 2012 where you've already done it all. Oh well. I tried running the latest code and got an assertion failure ASSERT(child->TmiGetSize() > 0) at treemap.cpp[414], so I guess I'll leave the source alone if you're still working on it.

PS. you can get rid of most of the remaining warnings by putting _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS in the compiler defines, and disabling warning 4706 in the c++/advanced page. The ones about luaT_typenames and luaX_tokens might be dodgy though; don't const declarations in a c++ header file create separate objects, instead of having 'extern' linkage as they were in c? I guess that's one for the lua folks though.

avogelba commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Oliver Meyer (Bitbucket: Ormek, GitHub: Unknown):

Issue #140 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.