avogelba / WinDirStats

WinDirStats - Windows Directory Statistics, private clone from:
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Implement the new report feature #52

Open avogelba opened 10 years ago

avogelba commented 10 years ago

Originally reported by: Oliver (Bitbucket: assarbad, GitHub: assarbad)

This should be based on embedded Lua scripts and Lua callbacks that can be used to customize the behavior of the export.

avogelba commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Michael Miller (Bitbucket: fixmypcmike, GitHub: Unknown):

Haven't been able to send email reports since upgrading to Win 8.1/Outlook 2013 (worked fine on WIn 7/Outlook 2010)

avogelba commented 10 years ago

Original comment by Glenn Brown (Bitbucket: gbrown10062003, GitHub: Unknown):

I just want to export as CSV, not looking for anything too special. FYI I love windirstat, use it all the time.

avogelba commented 10 years ago

Original comment by Pow_2k (Bitbucket: Pow_2k, GitHub: Unknown):

I'm all for having something that could be viewed separately after WinDirStat completes its collection, especially if it provides me an easy way to copy/paste selections to use for management reporting. I tried the "send mail to owner" option once before but the presented message was more limited in content than what I was looking for. Some possible ideas on how to execute:

use sorting as set in the program at time of export

selection of which columns to include

allow highlighting of multiple branches and to export "from selection"

allow for descend limits (report at 1st branch level only, report through 2nd branch, through 3rd branch, etc.) or "as currently expanded"

customizable cap on report descent (don't descend further for report if less than X files or Y size in branch)

support for multiple output formats such as space-aligned column .txt (although that could get ugly), .csv, tab delimited, tabled .html, others?

So some food for thought. Any sort of output reporting would be a huge leap in functionality for me, features like what I outlined above would just be extra icing on that leafy cake. Thanks for all the effort already put into this application, love the inclusion of the Pac-Man progress indicator. (edited because apparently this site doesn't like the way I initially set up bullet points.)