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port awesome to arcan display server(xorg/wayland alternative and lua scriptable wayland compositor) #3216

Open ivanbalashov239 opened 3 years ago

ivanbalashov239 commented 3 years ago


Arcan is a powerful development framework for creating virtually anything between user interfaces for specialised embedded applications all the way to full-blown standalone desktop environments.

At its heart lies a robust and portable multimedia engine, with a well-tested and well-documented interface, programmable using Lua. At every step of the way, the underlying development emphasises security, performance and debugability guided by a principle of least surprise in terms of API design.

There are too many features to cover, but here follows an brief listing of the “basics”:

With that comes a rich set of tools for network proxying, debugging, profiling and integrating with assistive devices.

Durden is a desktop environment for the Arcan Display Server. It serves both as a reference showcase on how to take advantage of some of the features in Arcan, and as a very competent entry to the advanced-user side of the desktop environment spectrum. The basic premise is to absorb most, if not all, features from current desktop environments in a modular and configurable way - then let user selected profiles actually cherry- pick the configuration, visuals and tunning that reflects the desktop the user wants or is familiar with. Internally, it is based around a file-system like structure ("the menu") and everything else is references to paths within this structure. image

ivanbalashov239 commented 3 years ago

This article is is the main course to the appetiser that was The X Network Transparency Myth (2018). In it, we will go through how the pieces in the Arcan ecosystem tie together to advance the idea of network transparency for the desktop and how it sets the stage for a fully networked desktop.