aws-amplify / amplify-backend

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Cannot setup Storage access permission for Owner if user is in a Group #1771

Open mausic opened 2 months ago

mausic commented 2 months ago

Environment information

  OS: macOS 14.5
  CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Pro
  Memory: 153.94 MB / 16.00 GB
  Shell: /bin/zsh
  Node: 20.11.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/node
  Yarn: 1.22.19 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/yarn
  npm: 10.8.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/npm
  pnpm: 9.5.0 - ~/Library/pnpm/pnpm
NPM Packages:
  @aws-amplify/backend: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-cli: 1.1.0
  aws-amplify: Not Found
  aws-cdk: Not Found
  aws-cdk-lib: Not Found
  typescript: Not Found
AWS environment variables:
No CDK environment variables


In AWS Amplify Gen 2.0 there is an issue or a bug related to Owner-based storage permissions and auth groups.

If authenticated user is within a Group, for example, Users, it is impossible to set up Owner-based access rules for Storage without specifying the same-level group permission. For example.

  1. We have the following auth setup at amplify/auth/resource.ts file
    export const auth = defineAuth({
    loginWith: {
    email: {
      verificationEmailStyle: "CODE",
      verificationEmailSubject: "Welcome to the App",
      verificationEmailBody: (createCode) =>
        `Use this code to verify your account: ${createCode()}`,
    callbackUrls: [
      logoutUrls: ["http://localhost:3000/", "app://"],
    groups: ["Admins", "Managers", "Users"],
  2. We have the following storage setup at amplify/storage/resource.ts
    export const storage = defineStorage({
    name: "storage",
    access: (allow) => ({
    "profiles/{entity_id}/*": [
      allow.entity("identity").to(["write", "delete", "read"]),["read"]),
      allow.groups(["Admins", "Managers", ]).to(["write", "delete", "read"]),
  3. We have an authenticated user in the Users group.

Now, if we try to upload a file such as

const result = await uploadData({
  path: ({ identityId }) => {
    return `profiles/${identityId}/image.jpg`;
  data: imageBlob,
  options: {
    contentType: mimeType,
    contentDisposition: "inline",

we will get AccessDenied error.

The only way to fix this is to either remove the user from the group (which is breaking business logic relying on user groups) or to change amplify/storage/resource.ts file by adding a Users group permission to it, such as:

export const storage = defineStorage({
  name: "storage",
  access: (allow) => ({
    "profiles/{entity_id}/*": [
      allow.entity("identity").to(["write", "delete", "read"]),["read"]),
      allow.groups(["Admins", "Managers","Users" ]).to(["write", "delete", "read"]),

which breaks Owner-based storage permissions and allows anyone in the Users group to modify other users' files.

ykethan commented 2 months ago

Hey @mausic, thank you for reaching out. I was able to reproduce the issue, marking this as bug for further improvements.

brandonwatson commented 1 week ago

I too hit this problem today. Spoke with Harshita Daddala about it.

My use case is similar. I have "ADMINS" and "USERS" - USERS is meant to be a benign holding group. I auto assign the users on signup to USERS and have ADMINS who can access everything.

I was surprised to see that the group membership would completely supersede the individual entity level rights.

As a developer, I would expect a UNION of role based security of groups and individual user auth rules set in AUTH.

I was trying to use FileUploader and StorageImage in a client component (nextjs and mostly server-side rendering in my application). The URL was being correctly created in the FileUploader component, with the correct identityId, which is what caused me so much trouble in tracking down what was happening. I eventually inspected the error in the console and saw:

Error uploading file protected/images/{identityId}/{correct rest of path}: User: <snip>assumed-role/amplify-reintern-watso-sa-amplifyAuthUSERSGroupRole-BMAf5LXBRxas/CognitoIdentityCredentials is not authorized to perform: s3:PutObject on resource: "<snip>/protected/images/{identityId}/{rest of path}" because no identity-based policy allows the s3:PutObject action It wasn't until I noticed "USERSGroupRole" that I zeroed in on the problem. The solve was non-intuitive as I would have thought that setting up my auth as follows would allow for an individual level scoping of auth rights:

export const auth = defineAuth({
    loginWith: {
        email: {
            verificationEmailStyle: 'CODE',
                'Verification Email for',
            verificationEmailBody: (createCode) =>
                `Thank you for creating a new user account with AllTheInterns. Please use this code to confirm your account: ${createCode()}`,
    groups: ['ADMINS', 'USERS'],
    // triggers: {
    //  postConfirmation,
    // },
    // access: (allow) => [
    //  allow.resource(postConfirmation).to(['addUserToGroup']),
    // ],

As you can see, I have commented out the triggered lambda which auto-assigns to USERS group. Also removed the impacted user (I'm still in dev mode, so it's a single account) from the USERS group. Permission errors went away.