aws-amplify / amplify-cli

The AWS Amplify CLI is a toolchain for simplifying serverless web and mobile development.
Apache License 2.0
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No error output even no zip file in var directory #12511

Open ErhardScampi opened 1 year ago

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

How did you install the Amplify CLI?

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

If applicable, what version of Node.js are you using?


Amplify CLI Version


What operating system are you using?


Did you make any manual changes to the cloud resources managed by Amplify? Please describe the changes made.

No manual changes

Describe the bug

Backendbuild fails locally and remote Errormessage not usable No zip log File generated

Expected behavior

Should show me a error message or at least generate an error zip

Reproduction steps

amplify migrate perhaps my GraphQL.shema is wrong but how can I find out ?

Project Identifier


Log output

``` 2023-02-26T20:59:19.583Z|info :[{"StackName":"[***]ify-[***]rack-[***]is-[***]933"}]) 2023-02-26T20:59:20.127Z|info :[{"StackName":"[***]rmation:eu-[***]ral-[***]28:stack/[***]ify-[***]rack-[***]is-[***]933/[***]b380-[***]55-[***]ed-[***]13-[***]68700"}]) 2023-02-26T20:59:49.578Z|info :[{"StackName":"[***]ify-[***]rack-[***]is-[***]933"}]) 2023-02-26T20:59:50.143Z|info :[{"StackName":"[***]rmation:eu-[***]ral-[***]28:stack/[***]ify-[***]rack-[***]is-[***]933/[***]b380-[***]55-[***]ed-[***]13-[***]68700"}]) 2023-02-26T20:59:52.094Z|error : Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete DeploymentFault: Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete 2023-02-26T21:06:15.068Z|info : amplify version core {"version":true,"yes":false} ```

Additional information

Here the srcreenOutput I made an amplify serve. At the end You can see that there is no error zip even no directory with the zip

? Are you sure you want to continue? Yes

Deployment failed. Deploying root stack Artbarrack [ =========================----------- amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE storageItemStorage AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE functionartbarrackf557cb0ePre… AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE authartbarrackf557cb0e AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE apiartApi AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE authuserPoolGroups AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE

Deployed auth artbarrackf557cb0e [ =================================== Deployed auth userPoolGroups [ ======================================= Deploying function myqueryresolver [ --------------------------------- Deploying function reorganize [ -------------------------------------- Deployed function artbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication [ ==============

πŸ›‘ The following resources failed to deploy: πŸ›‘ Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete

Learn more at:

Session Identifier: bd709ceb-87fc-4626-b1f9-4bc6e378104a

βœ… Report saved: /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/Artbarrack/

βœ” Done

Project Identifier: 36d4c405c5d2a8293fe6a5b2a72ea07f

daphne code$ cd /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/A Pressing TAB now to see the possibilities:

AppTranslocation/ AudioComponentRegistrar/

No Artbarrack subDir as mentioned in the Report saved line.

Before submitting, please confirm:

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Addition info : This line is red : apiartApi AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE_.
So I think its because of the schema.Graphlql. To solve my error I need to know which error, but this I can't find out because of the bug described above. only if You want help me out with a workaround here my schema.graphql :

type Collection @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, ownerField: "owner"}, {allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read]}]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  uuid: String
  presentationKinds: [String]
  items: [ItemInCollection]
  items_as_json: String
  description_long: String
  description_short: String
  exportTemplate: String
  url_leadingImage: String
  visability: String
  xxx: Boolean
  profileId: String
  userID: ID! @index(name: "byUser")
  user: User @belongsTo(fields: ["userID"])
  links_as_json: String
  order: Int

type Import @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, ownerField: "owner"}, {allow: private, operations: [read]}]) {
  id: ID!
  importDate: String!
  items: [Item] @hasMany(indexName: "byImport")
  count: String

type Item @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, ownerField: "owner"}, {allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read]}]) {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  uuid: String @index(name: "byUUID", queryField: "itemsByUUID")
  author: String
  description_long: String
  description_short: String
  resolutions: [String]
  edition_kind: String
  edition_data: String
  licence: String
  ownLicence: String
  originalFilename: String @index(name: "byOriginalFileName", queryField: "itemByOriginalFileName")
  filename: String!
  status: String
  uploaded_year: Int
  uploaded_month: Int
  uploaded_day: Int
  tags: [Tag]
  path: String!
  pathSec: String
  importID: ID! @index(name: "byImport", queryField: "itemsByImport", sortKeyFields: ["id"])
  ranking: Int
  level: String
  ipfs: String
  Info: String
  baseurl: String
  subItems: [String]
  kind: String
  xxx: Boolean
  userID: String

type Tag {
  id: String
  tagName: String

type ItemInCollection {
  id: String
  url: String
  title: String
  author: String
  description_long: String
  description_short: String
  is_leading_image: Boolean
  resolutions: [String]
  tags: [Tag]
  user: String
  ipfs: String
  uuid: String
  profileId: String
  order: Int
  treatment: String
  printDescription: Boolean
  add_info: String
  hide_details: Boolean

type FullTag @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, ownerField: "owner"}, {allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read]}]) {
  id: ID!
  tagName: String! @index(name: "byTagName", queryField: "tagsByName")
  itemIds: [String]
  kind: String
  userID: ID @index(name: "byUser", queryField: "tagsbyProfileId")
  xxx: Boolean

type User @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, ownerField: "owner"}, {allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read]}]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String @index(name: "byName", queryField: "userByName")
  story: String
  philosophy: String
  collections: [Collection] @hasMany(indexName: "byUser", fields: ["id"])
  FullTags: [FullTag] @hasMany(indexName: "byUser", fields: ["id"])
  tags_as_json: String
  avartar: String
  ownNFTPlatforms: String
  status: String
  homepage: String
  searchName: String @index(name: "bySearchName", queryField: "userBySearchName")
  email: String @index(name: "byEmail", queryField: "userByEmail")
  cognitoId: String! @index(name: "byCognitoId", queryField: "userByCognitoId")
  adress: String
  socialPlatforms: String
  sex: String
  callme: String
  speech: String
  payment_id: String

type Event @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, ownerField: "owner"}]) {
  id: ID!
  enventName: String
  kind: String
  payload: String
  userID: String
  eventYear: Int
  eventMonth: Int
  eventDay: Int

type Query {
  reorganize(params: String): String @function(name: "reorganize-${env}")
  myqueryresolver(params: String): String @function(name: "myqueryresolver-${env}") @auth(rules: [{allow: public, provider: iam}, {allow: owner}])
josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi :wave: thanks for raising this! As we begin to take a further look at this I have a few questions to better understand the context:

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

hey @josefaidt The last command was amplify serve --debug The output is Learn more at:

DeploymentFault: Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete at (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/amplify-provider-awscloudformation/lib/push-resources.js:444:11) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async providersPush (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/extensions/amplify-helpers/push-resources.js:125:5) at async AmplifyToolkit.pushResources [as _pushResources] (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/extensions/amplify-helpers/push-resources.js:102:13) at async (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/commands/run.js:6:5) at async Object.executeAmplifyCommand (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/index.js:177:9) at async executePluginModuleCommand (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/execution-manager.js:142:5) at async executeCommand (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/execution-manager.js:40:9) at async (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/index.js:117:5)

Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete ResourceNotReady: Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete at constructor.setError (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/resource_waiter.js:182:47) at Request.CHECK_ACCEPTORS (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/resource_waiter.js:44:12) at Request.callListeners (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/sequential_executor.js:106:20) at Request.emit (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/sequential_executor.js:78:10) at Request.emit (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:686:14) at Request.transition (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:22:10) at AcceptorStateMachine.runTo (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/state_machine.js:14:12) at /snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/state_machine.js:26:10 at Request. (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:38:9) at Request. (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:688:12) at Request.callListeners (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/sequential_executor.js:116:18) at Request.emit (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/sequential_executor.js:78:10) at Request.emit (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:686:14) at Request.transition (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:22:10) at AcceptorStateMachine.runTo (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/state_machine.js:14:12) at /snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/state_machine.js:26:10 at Request. (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:38:9) at Request. (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/request.js:688:12) at Request.callListeners (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/sequential_executor.js:116:18) at callNextListener (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/sequential_executor.js:96:12) at IncomingMessage.onEnd (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/event_listeners.js:380:13) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:412:35) at IncomingMessage.emit (domain.js:475:12) at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1334:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)

Session Identifier: 0fb4bf31-1af7-4c01-9754-69b284b33e2b

βœ… Report saved: /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/Artbarrack/

βœ” Done

Project Identifier: 36d4c405c5d2a8293fe6a5b2a72ea07f

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

I do not find this run under Cloudformation I event find no events tab

The last run was

amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication-I8K7BKHY9C8FVERSCHACHTELT CREATE_COMPLETE 2023-02-26 17:05:31 UTC+0100

amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication-I8K7BKHY9C8F VERSCHACHTELT CREATE_COMPLETE 2023-02-26 17:05:31 UTC+0100

josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi :wave: thanks for clarifying. Can you try pushing your changes with amplify push --debug?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Here the push output :

daphne code$ amplify push --debug
Not pulling components because this project is not configured with the "react" framework.
βœ– There was an error pulling the backend environment alis.
πŸ›‘ Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established

Learn more at:

BackendPullFault: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
    at syncCurrentCloudBackend (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/commands/push.js:54:15)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
    at async (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/commands/push.js:68:5)
    at async Object.executeAmplifyCommand (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/index.js:177:9)
    at async executePluginModuleCommand (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/execution-manager.js:142:5)
    at async executeCommand (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/execution-manager.js:40:9)
    at async (/snapshot/repo/build/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli-internal/lib/index.js:117:5)

Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
Error: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
    at connResetException (internal/errors.js:639:14)
    at TLSSocket.onConnectEnd (_tls_wrap.js:1570:19)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:412:35)
    at TLSSocket.emit (domain.js:475:12)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1334:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)

Session Identifier: 3c1e8a01-9df4-4e8e-8aea-f78464b9165c

βœ… Report saved: /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/Artbarrack/

βœ” Done

Project Identifier: 36d4c405c5d2a8293fe6a5b2a72ea07f

daphne code$ cd /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/A
AppTranslocation/         AudioComponentRegistrar/
josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi thanks for posting that, and that is interesting. Are you working behind a corporate proxy or VPN by chance?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

No. direct access. But This error comes also when I push to github an the feature branch is build at aws. See below from build window in the aws console

                                 ## Checking for associated backend environment...
                                 ## Backend environment association found
2023-02-26T20:36:52.446Z [INFO]: Amplify AppID found: do4aawpjdtirb. Amplify App name is: Artbarrack
2023-02-26T20:36:52.499Z [INFO]: Backend environment alis found in Amplify Console app: Artbarrack
2023-02-26T20:36:53.400Z [WARNING]: - Fetching updates to backend environment: alis from the cloud.
2023-02-26T20:36:54.332Z [WARNING]: - Building resource api/artApi
2023-02-26T20:36:54.973Z [WARNING]: Be careful when using @auth directives on a field in a root type. @auth directives on field definitions use the source object to perform authorization logic and the source will be an empty object for fields on root types. Static group authorization should perform as expected.
2023-02-26T20:36:55.084Z [INFO]: ⚠️ WARNING: owners may reassign ownership for the following model(s) and role(s): Collection: [owner], Import: [owner], Item: [owner], FullTag: [owner], User: [owner], Event: [owner]. If this is not intentional, you may want to apply field-level authorization rules to these fields. To read more:
2023-02-26T20:36:56.375Z [INFO]: βœ… GraphQL schema compiled successfully.
                                 Edit your schema at /codebuild/output/src736418681/src/artbarrack/code/amplify/backend/api/artApi/schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at /codebuild/output/src736418681/src/artbarrack/code/amplify/backend/api/artApi/schema
2023-02-26T20:36:56.376Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/artbarrackf557cb0e
2023-02-26T20:36:56.455Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/userPoolGroups
2023-02-26T20:36:56.543Z [WARNING]: - Building resource storage/ItemStorage
2023-02-26T20:36:56.584Z [WARNING]: βœ” Successfully pulled backend environment alis from the cloud.
2023-02-26T20:36:56.750Z [INFO]: βœ…
2023-02-26T20:36:58.448Z [INFO]: Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory
2023-02-26T20:36:59.823Z [WARNING]: - Initializing your environment: alis
2023-02-26T20:37:00.765Z [WARNING]: - Building resource api/artApi
2023-02-26T20:37:01.305Z [WARNING]: Be careful when using @auth directives on a field in a root type. @auth directives on field definitions use the source object to perform authorization logic and the source will be an empty object for fields on root types. Static group authorization should perform as expected.
2023-02-26T20:37:01.432Z [INFO]: ⚠️ WARNING: owners may reassign ownership for the following model(s) and role(s): Collection: [owner], Import: [owner], Item: [owner], FullTag: [owner], User: [owner], Event: [owner]. If this is not intentional, you may want to apply field-level authorization rules to these fields. To read more:
2023-02-26T20:37:02.844Z [INFO]: βœ… GraphQL schema compiled successfully.
                                 Edit your schema at /codebuild/output/src736418681/src/artbarrack/code/amplify/backend/api/artApi/schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at /codebuild/output/src736418681/src/artbarrack/code/amplify/backend/api/artApi/schema
2023-02-26T20:37:02.845Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/artbarrackf557cb0e
2023-02-26T20:37:02.943Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/userPoolGroups
2023-02-26T20:37:03.057Z [WARNING]: - Building resource storage/ItemStorage
2023-02-26T20:37:03.089Z [WARNING]: βœ” Initialized provider successfully.
2023-02-26T20:37:04.850Z [WARNING]: - Uploading files.
2023-02-26T20:37:04.856Z [WARNING]: - Uploading files.
2023-02-26T20:37:05.650Z [WARNING]: - Uploading files.
2023-02-26T20:37:05.733Z [WARNING]: - Building resource api/artApi
2023-02-26T20:37:06.355Z [WARNING]: Be careful when using @auth directives on a field in a root type. @auth directives on field definitions use the source object to perform authorization logic and the source will be an empty object for fields on root types. Static group authorization should perform as expected.
2023-02-26T20:37:06.443Z [INFO]: ⚠️ WARNING: owners may reassign ownership for the following model(s) and role(s): Collection: [owner], Import: [owner], Item: [owner], FullTag: [owner], User: [owner], Event: [owner]. If this is not intentional, you may want to apply field-level authorization rules to these fields. To read more:
2023-02-26T20:37:07.565Z [INFO]: βœ… GraphQL schema compiled successfully.
                                 Edit your schema at /codebuild/output/src736418681/src/artbarrack/code/amplify/backend/api/artApi/schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at /codebuild/output/src736418681/src/artbarrack/code/amplify/backend/api/artApi/schema
2023-02-26T20:37:07.566Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/artbarrackf557cb0e
2023-02-26T20:37:07.653Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/userPoolGroups
2023-02-26T20:37:07.721Z [WARNING]: - Building resource storage/ItemStorage
2023-02-26T20:37:07.757Z [WARNING]: - Uploading files.
2023-02-26T20:37:14.948Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:14.954Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933              AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) User Initiated
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS storageItemStorage                          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:37:19.943Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:19.945Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE    storageItemStorage                          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS authartbarrackf557cb0e                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    authartbarrackf557cb0e                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:37:24.913Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:24.915Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS apiartApi          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS authuserPoolGroups AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    authuserPoolGroups AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:37:25.049Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:25.049Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) User Initiated
2023-02-26T20:37:30.024Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:30.025Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Collection             AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS FunctionDirectiveStack AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Collection             AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    FunctionDirectiveStack AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:37:35.155Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:35.156Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS User    AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Import  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Event   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS FullTag AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Item    AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    User    AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Event   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Import  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Item    AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:37:35.289Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:35.290Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9-FullTag-330TT34AI68D AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) User Initiated
2023-02-26T20:37:45.263Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:45.265Z [INFO]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS QueryTagsByNameDataResolverFnQueryTagsByNameDataResolverFnAppSyncFunction9BA9B1C9 AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 CREATE_IN_PROGRESS QueryTagsByNameDataResolverFnQueryTagsByNameDataResolverFnAppSyncFunction9BA9B1C9 AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Resource creation Initiated
                                 CREATE_COMPLETE    QueryTagsByNameDataResolverFnQueryTagsByNameDataResolverFnAppSyncFunction9BA9B1C9 AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:37:50.264Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:50.266Z [INFO]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS          QuerytagsByNameResolver                                                     AWS::AppSync::Resolver     Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 CREATE_FAILED               QuerytagsByNameResolver                                                     AWS::AppSync::Resolver     Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Only one resolver is allowed per field. (Service: AWSAppSync; Status Code: 400; Error Code: BadRequestException; Request ID: 8d00fec7-d6c5-4c6c-a4ce-eee494290ee2; Proxy: null)
                                 UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9-FullTag-330TT34AI68D AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) The following resource(s) failed to create: [QuerytagsByNameResolver].
2023-02-26T20:37:55.039Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:37:55.041Z [INFO]: UPDATE_FAILED FullTag AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:807731452828:stack/amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9-FullTag-330TT34AI68D/5bfc3c60-9856-11ed-a229-0653b6118a76 was not successfully updated. Currently in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS with reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [QuerytagsByNameResolver].
2023-02-26T20:38:00.059Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:00.061Z [INFO]: UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) The following resource(s) failed to update: [FullTag].
2023-02-26T20:38:09.977Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:09.979Z [INFO]: UPDATE_FAILED               apiartApi                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:807731452828:stack/amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9/2d727a80-9856-11ed-8730-0a8255980cbc was not successfully updated. Currently in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS with reason: The following resource(s) failed to update: [FullTag].
                                 UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) The following resource(s) failed to update: [apiartApi].
2023-02-26T20:38:14.978Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:14.981Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS storageItemStorage                          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    storageItemStorage                          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:15.049Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:15.049Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS authartbarrackf557cb0e AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:19.974Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:19.976Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE    authartbarrackf557cb0e AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS apiartApi              AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS authuserPoolGroups     AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    authuserPoolGroups     AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:25.067Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:25.069Z [INFO]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Collection             AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS FunctionDirectiveStack AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Collection             AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    FunctionDirectiveStack AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS FullTag                AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS User                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Item                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Event                  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Import                 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    User                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Item                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Event                  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE    Import                 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:45.294Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:45.296Z [INFO]: UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9-FullTag-330TT34AI68D AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:50.109Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:50.111Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE                              FullTag                                                AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933-apiartApi-1FGH01N8AIUR9 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:50.200Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:50.200Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE apiartApi AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:38:54.987Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:38:54.988Z [INFO]: UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE                              authuserPoolGroups             AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_COMPLETE                              storageItemStorage             AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:38:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:39:15.014Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:39:15.016Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE apiartApi AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:39:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:39:15.091Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:39:15.091Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE authartbarrackf557cb0e AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:39:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:39:20.002Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:39:20.003Z [INFO]: UPDATE_COMPLETE          functionartbarrackf557cb0ePreAuthentication AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:39:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
                                 UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE amplify-artbarrack-alis-235933              AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sun Feb 26 2023 20:39:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2023-02-26T20:39:40.139Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:39:45.142Z [INFO]: πŸ›‘ The following resources failed to deploy:
2023-02-26T20:39:45.144Z [INFO]: πŸ›‘ Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
                                 Learn more at:
2023-02-26T20:39:45.144Z [WARNING]: βœ– There was an error initializing your environment.
2023-02-26T20:39:45.151Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:39:45.152Z [INFO]: Session Identifier: 97a7ac18-c96d-4c4e-aac4-50d0e98eabc7
2023-02-26T20:39:45.153Z [WARNING]: - Creating Zip
2023-02-26T20:39:45.221Z [INFO]: 
2023-02-26T20:39:45.221Z [INFO]: βœ… Report saved: /tmp/Artbarrack/
2023-02-26T20:39:45.221Z [WARNING]: - Sending zip
2023-02-26T20:39:46.814Z [WARNING]: βœ” Done
2023-02-26T20:39:46.815Z [INFO]: Project Identifier: 36d4c405c5d2a8293fe6a5b2a72ea07f
2023-02-26T20:39:46.842Z [ERROR]: !!! Build failed
2023-02-26T20:39:46.842Z [ERROR]: !!! Non-Zero Exit Code detected
2023-02-26T20:39:46.842Z [INFO]: # Starting environment caching...
2023-02-26T20:39:46.842Z [INFO]: # Uploading environment cache artifact...
2023-02-26T20:39:46.908Z [INFO]: # Uploaded environment cache artifact
2023-02-26T20:39:46.908Z [INFO]: # Environment caching completed
Terminating logging...
josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi thanks for clarifying! Here is the error I was looking for, and it appears this is under the context of a GraphQL API

CREATE_FAILED QuerytagsByNameResolver AWS::AppSync::Resolver Sun Feb 26 2023 20:37:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Only one resolver is allowed per field. (Service: AWSAppSync; Status Code: 400; Error Code: BadRequestException; Request ID: 8d00fec7-d6c5-4c6c-a4ce-eee494290ee2; Proxy: null)

Is this a custom resolver by chance? Would you mind sharing your GraphQL Schema and describe any modifications/overrides applied?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

The complete schema I send yet yesterday (Please scroll a little bit up). Here the critical lines ?

type Query { reorganize(params: String): String @function(name: "reorganize-${env}") myqueryresolver(params: String): String @function(name: "myqueryresolver-${env}") @auth(rules: [{allow: public, provider: iam}, {allow: owner}]) }```

I did not change the resolvers . I just added these lines of code and my functions have been called

This are two lamda functions. If you need them I send You. This is a very good feature of amplify.... I can call functions do something and get the result via that query......

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Is there another way instead to call lamda functions perhaps to solve my problem ? But.... its not easy to find that error . Thank You very much. Perhaps the message on the local device can be a little bit more senseful.

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Here for additional info the use in the code. I searched for myqueryresolver A lot of things are generated by amplify. This is hidden from me. I just put the lines in the schema file and use it in the frontend. So I have access to the whole lamda world in the backend via this automatism . I hope this is possible with tranformer2 also. Here is my use of it : try { const params = { paramsStack: [{ what: "getPublicCollections", profileId: id }], }; const dataObj = await API.graphql({ query: myqueryresolver, variables: { params: JSON.stringify(params) }, authMode: "AWS_IAM", }); let rawdata; let objData; objData = dataObj; rawdata = JSON.parse(; const body = rawdata["body"]; const retWert = body[0][0]; return retWert; } catch (error) {

josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi thanks for clarifying! Were there any changes made to the schema prior to pushing? Was this index changed?

  tagName: String! @index(name: "byTagName", queryField: "tagsByName")
ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Hello @josefaidt No I did not make any change here. A made a diff to a version prior amplify migrate. A lot of changes were made by amplify migrate. The complete diff output I attached . The line you mentioned was new and replaced

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

I upgraded to latest 10.8.1. --> same error

Then I deleted this lines from schema.graphql type Query { reorganize(params: String): String @function(name: "reorganize-${env}") myqueryresolver(params: String): String @function(name: "myqueryresolver-${env}") @auth(rules: [{allow: public, provider: iam}, {allow: owner}]) }

It works. -> Ergo this lines causes the error. But I need the functionality to call lamda functions from the frontend. Should I downgrade to transformer v1 ?

AnilMaktala commented 1 year ago

Hi @ErhardScampi, if you are able to push without any issues after removing the Query section. could you please retry adding the query section again and run "amplify push" and let us know?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Hi @AnilMaktala Yes It work now. I added the query section again and now lets say no error when amplify push ...... It also work when building via GitHub hook . But puuh no public access any more to the query functions and to the normal requests where I need public read access....

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

@AnilMaktala It works means the application builds remote and the push is without any errors. But....

I logged in user does not have access to the API. If I make the query from the AWS console (in APPSYNC) it works fine. From the code not. Here the output and the Codesnippet. (same Code worked with V1) (Browseroutput see screenshot. Code :

console.log("-----Begin ----- > searchId"); console.log(searchId); console.log("-----Ende ----- > searchId");

const allUsers = await API.graphql({ query: listUsers });
console.log("-----Begin ----- only to see> allUsers");
console.log("-----Ende ----- > allUsers");

const result = await API.graphql({
  query: userByCognitoId,
  variables: { cognitoId: searchId },
console.log("-----Begin ----- > result");
console.log("-----Ende ----- > result");
if ( > 0) {
  //save it to local storage//

The schema snippet is : type User @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, update, delete] }]) { id: ID! name: String @index(name: "byName", queryField: "userByName") story: String philosophy: String.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-11 um 01 24 04
ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Perhaps it helps for others, spend the whole night on this.... If You enable both IAM and user_pool auth in auth setup then you need explicit set the authmode in the code: authMode: "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS" in this case.
Here the example request const result = await API.graphql({ query: createUser, variables: { input: emptyUser }, authMode: "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", <<<<------ });

This was not necessary in v1 --> something for the docu.....

Remains the public access for my happyness. How do I have to change the IAM Rules to gain public access from the amazon managenemt Console Appsync query. There are to unauthRoles in the IAM for that environment. What have I to add there ?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

I added custom-roles.json to the api directory with the content and pushed { "adminRoleNames": ["arn:aws:sts::50accountId2828:UnauthRole"] } The idea is from

Then the public access worked. I even can modify the access thru the IAM Access Editor ! great. Then I deleted the file custom-roles.json again and pushed only for curiousity...... It kept working...... Its so strange. Now I can modify the public access behavior thru the IAM System But this IAM json is not under Version control. Is there a way to do it locally and push the access-profile of the unAuthRole ? Perhaps with amplify push ? If I go thru my stages I do not want to modify it manually in every stage (branch).

josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi :wave: apologies for the delay here! Yes, you will need to specify the authMode when you are attempting to use an auth mechanism that is not set as the default for your GraphQL API.

If you'd like to allow any logged-in user to access your API you can use allow: private. allow: public, provider: iam will allow guest access with your unauth role.

Now I can modify the public access behavior thru the IAM System

What sort of modifications are you looking at making to the unauth role?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

@josefaidt : I found out that in transformer v1 I did not need to set the authmode AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS because it was default. I only needed AWS_IAM in case of public read. Now I need the specification always if not I get a auth error. This holds for all except lamdafunctions in @function There is a problem with the @function directive somehow --> I made a ticket aws-amplify/amplify-category-api#1397 Here I get always an auth error. This ticket (1312) is concerning the fact that the zip file is not generated despite the message of success. If you read aws-amplify/amplify-category-api#1397 @AnilMaktala also needs the zip file. So it is a circle. My problem is I have 2 productive systems unfortunatelly I started migration of one yet....

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

I have found the error of 1312: amplify diagnose --send-report. does not write the filesystems path. It makes the first letter in capital despite the directory in the filesystem is in lower letters. Here the output : Report saved: /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/Artbarrack/

But in this case Artbarrack is artbarrack on the filesystem :

cd /var/folders/2w/cs5c31ln07l07km7mt594pnc0000gq/T/artbarrack/ analytics/ artbarrack/

There is no directory "Artbrrack" but "artbarrack".

josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi is the name of your project (found in amplify/.config/project-config.json)? I created a sample app named MyProject and generated a report:

MyProject on ξ‚  main 
➜  la /var/folders/w8/s6ds11f567b8bsk18jcmxdnc0000gr/T/ | grep MyProject
drwxr-xr-x@  4 josef  staff   128B Apr 17 16:42 MyProject

if I change this to myProject it creates

βœ… Report saved: /var/folders/w8/s6ds11f567b8bsk18jcmxdnc0000gr/T/myProject/

however these reports are actually stored under MyProject since the macOS filesystem is case-insensitive

MyProject on ξ‚  main 
➜  la /var/folders/w8/s6ds11f567b8bsk18jcmxdnc0000gr/T/MyProject/
total 32
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josefai  staff   2.1K Apr 17 16:42
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josefai  staff   2.1K Apr 17 16:42
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josefai  staff   2.1K Apr 17 16:44
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josefai  staff   2.1K Apr 17 16:49

Was the project name changed recently from Artbarrack to artbarrack?

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

Hi @josefaidt , its in capital letter in the config file.

{ "providers": [ "awscloudformation" ], "projectName": "Artbarrack", "version": "3.1", "frontend": "javascript", "javascript": { "framework": "vue", "config": { "SourceDir": "src", "DistributionDir": "dist", "BuildCommand": "npm run-script build", "StartCommand": "npm run-script serve" } } }

ErhardScampi commented 1 year ago

I deleted the artbarrack folder. Provocated an error and then a Artrbarrack folder is generated. So I think it was a bug in a previous version. The artbarrack then prohibits to generate Artbarrack. So I think this ticket can be closed or you make it a little bit resilient and add timestamps to the foldername or something like that.

josefaidt commented 1 year ago

Hey @ErhardScampi glad to hear it's able to generate properly after deleting the folder, and I believe you might be right. In any event, I think that is a reasonable move to add timestamps to the foldername or create a folder name that will always be lowercase. Something like


I've transferred this back over to the CLI repo and will be marking this as a feature request to improve the experience here πŸ™‚