aws-powertools / powertools-lambda-typescript

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RFC: Testing Factories for AWS Data Objects #445

Open simonireilly opened 2 years ago

simonireilly commented 2 years ago

ref strucutre of my RFC

Description of the proposal

There should be a consistent way to produce test fixtures for AWS lambda environments

Name of the core utility (and consequently the folders that contain the libraries):


When it comes to making effective use of AWS in unit and integration testing, developers will create data objects which have the interfaces of the 'aws-lambda' types package.

This is true, even within this project;

These untyped objects become a cause for churn, and often because a single source of truth is not present, they can misdiagnose behaviors through simple omission of fields.


Proposed API

There is an example here that utilizes faker and fishery to create type compliant factories that can be deep merged to allow for standard testing objects:


yarn add --dev @aws-lambda-powertools/factories
npm i -d @aws-lambda-powertools/factories


Consider the following test that is written in #364

test('when called, it set the correct segment', () => {
  // Prepare
  const provider: ProviderService = new ProviderService();
  const record: SQSRecord = {
    messageId: 'fd95260b-1600-4028-b252-590cfcc9fe6d',
    receiptHandle: 'test',
    body: 'Information about current NY Times fiction bestseller for week of 12/11/2016.',
    attributes: {
      ApproximateReceiveCount: '1',
      AWSTraceHeader: 'Root=1-61cc1005-53ff3b575736e3c74eae6bfb;Parent=1f57c53badf96998;Sampled=1',
      SentTimestamp: '1640763398126',
      SenderId: 'AROAT26JIZQWSOCCOUNE5:sqsProducer',
      ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp: '1640763398127',
    messageAttributes: {},
    md5OfBody: 'bbdc5fdb8be7251f5c910905db994bab',
    eventSource: 'aws:sqs',
    awsRegion: 'eu-west-1',

  const context = ContextExamples.helloworldContext;

  // Act
  provider.continueSQSRecordTrace(record, context);

  // Assess

This test becomes:

import factories from '@aws-lambda-powertools/factories';

test('when called, it set the correct segment', () => {
  // Prepare
  const provider: ProviderService = new ProviderService();
  const record =;
  const context =;

  // Act
  provider.continueSQSRecordTrace(record, context);

  // Assess
michaelbrewer commented 2 years ago

@heitorlessa it is worth thinking about this across both Python, Java and Typescript (awslabs/aws-lambda-powertools-python#1169)

saragerion commented 2 years ago

Thanks for opening this issue @simonireilly. As a former AWS customer, I would like to say that this is something I wanted myself as well, back then. The team and I will get back to you on this one.

willfarrell commented 2 years ago

I've been using @serverless/event-mocks for this, there are a few others, all are out of date and not maintained.

michaelbrewer commented 2 years ago

For Python is have a lot of mocks and sample events. So whichever solution we have in mind it would be great to has the potential for reuse across python, typescript, Java and .Net.

driimus commented 2 months ago

If any ESM users are looking for an utility similar to what's being proposed here:

I've been shipping my own set of test data factories for Lambda events, built using the same combo (fishery + @faker-js/faker):,