aws-samples / amazon-bedrock-audio-summarizer

An automated way to transcribe and summarize media files using Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, Amazon Transcribe, and Amazon Bedrock.
MIT No Attribution
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An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the InvokeModel operation: Your account is not authorized to invoke this API operation. #3

Closed fdhome closed 1 month ago

fdhome commented 1 month ago


I follow all instructions to setup this project but the eventbridge-bedrock-inference is always failing with the following error

I made sure to enable access to Anthropic's Claude 3 Sonnet via the AWS Bedrock Console and the access has been granted for my IAM User

As per documentation, the ValidationException with InvokeModel operation means that the call schema is incorrect.

Any help, things to check and correct are welcomed

jbnunn commented 1 month ago

Hi @fdhome, could you check to see if your IAM user has InvokeModel permissions for BedRock?

fdhome commented 1 month ago


The main issue was between the screen and the chair ;-) the model access to Anthropic's Claude 3 Sonnet was provided for us-east-1 region whilst I was deploying in 2 others regions. When deploying in the region in which model access has been granted it works like a charm. great job there issue can be cloased

jbnunn commented 1 month ago

Thanks @fdhome for the details, glad you got it working! We'll make the README a bit more clear.