aws-samples / amazon-mwaa-examples

Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) Examples repository contains example DAGs, requirements.txt, plugins, and CloudFormation templates focused on Amazon MWAA.
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Fix for MWAA Lambda Trigger Error: Ensuring Compatibility with Airflow Versions >=2.6.3 #67

Closed onisim-iacob closed 3 months ago

onisim-iacob commented 3 months ago


Export dag returns "botocore.errorfactory.TaskTimedOut: An error occurred (TaskTimedOut) when calling the SendTaskFailure operation: Task Timed Out: 'Provided task does not exist anymore'"

Step function returns an error on run:


Description of changes:

Code has to be improved to handle versions from 2.5.1 (and downwards) and this is a conditional for upwards starting with 2.6.3.

⚠️ Changing this will stop working for 2.5.1 (and previous versions).⚠️

It happens if you use a MWAA >= 2.6.3. I managed to make it work with export MWAA_ENV_VERSION=2.6.3 with dags from the PR#59.

The problem resides in the "Common" Lambda, which requires a tweak:

❗Broken block for 2.6.3 (around line 13.441 in index.js):

  async triggerDag(dagName, configuration) {
    const triggerResult = await this.execute(`dags trigger ${dagName}`, configuration);
    if (!triggerResult.stdOut.includes("triggered: True")) {
      throw new Error(`Dag [${dagName}] trigger failed with the following error: ${JSON.stringify(triggerResult)}`);
    return triggerResult;

✅ Fixed:

  async triggerDag(dagName, configuration) {
    const triggerResult = await this.execute(`dags trigger -o json ${dagName}`, configuration);
    if (!triggerResult.stdOut.includes('"external_trigger": "True"')) {
      throw new Error(`Dag [${dagName}] trigger failed with the following error: ${JSON.stringify(triggerResult)}`);
    return triggerResult;

The Lambda runs the /aws_mwaa/cli call with dags trigger which requires an additional -o json and the condition for "external_trigger": "True".

Looking at this document between versions shows that:

# 2.5.1
airflow dags trigger [-h] [-c CONF] [-e EXEC_DATE] [-r RUN_ID] [-S SUBDIR]
# 2.6.3
airflow dags trigger [-h] [-c CONF] [-e EXEC_DATE] [--no-replace-microseconds]
                     [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-r RUN_ID] [-S SUBDIR]

From 2.6.3 adds extra [-o table, json, yaml, plain] parameter which is defaulted to table. This breaks the Lambda conditional and throws the "botocore.errorfactory.TaskTimedOut: An error occurred (TaskTimedOut) when calling the SendTaskFailure operation: Task Timed Out: 'Provided task does not exist anymore'" error, which is misleading...


By checking the Lambda log, I saw that the call indeed returns a table that breaks the "token" with this format.


If you want to see what are all the possible outputs of this -o parameter looks like, take a look at this document to invoke the DAG locally:

CLI_JSON=$(aws mwaa --region YOUR_REGION create-cli-token --name YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME) \
  && CLI_TOKEN=$(echo $CLI_JSON | jq -r '.CliToken') \
  && WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME=$(echo $CLI_JSON | jq -r '.WebServerHostname') \
  && CLI_RESULTS=$(curl --request POST "https://$WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME/aws_mwaa/cli" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $CLI_TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
  --data-raw "dags trigger YOUR_DAG_NAME") \
  && echo "Output:" \
  && echo $CLI_RESULTS | jq -r '.stdout' | base64 --decode \
  && echo "Errors:" \
  && echo $CLI_RESULTS | jq -r '.stderr' | base64 --decode

With this tests, I managed to debug the lambda call locally, and the problem resides on: /aws_mwaa/cli which behaves differently nowadays.

After adding the -o json parameter and the "external_trigger": "True" conditional, it works just like with the 2.5.1 😎👌🔥


Take care!

crupakheti commented 3 months ago

Thank you, @onisim-iacob! We will get this reviewed along with #59.

onisim-iacob commented 3 months ago

Hi @crupakheti

Thanks for the code. I was not able to fix the tests due to the change in the code (I will need some help on that) 😔

Even though tests failed, the deployment worked however I had to tweak some other things:

  async triggerDag(dagName: string, configuration?: Record<string, string>): Promise<DagsCliResult> {
    const semVer = this.environmentVersion.split('.');

    let command = '';
    let resultIncludes = '';
    if (+semVer[0] <= 2 && +semVer[1] <= 5) {
      command = `dags trigger ${dagName}`;
      resultIncludes = 'triggered: True';
    } else {
      command = `dags trigger -o json ${dagName}`;
      resultIncludes = '"external_trigger": "True"';

    const triggerResult = await this.execute(command, configuration);
    if (!triggerResult.stdOut.includes(resultIncludes)) {
      throw new Error(`Dag [${dagName}] trigger failed with the following error: ${JSON.stringify(triggerResult)}`);
    return triggerResult;


crupakheti commented 3 months ago

Great work there @onisim-iacob! I will review your changes and broken test cases and provide guidance early next week. Thank you!

crupakheti commented 3 months ago

@onisim-iacob I have got a PR open with the fix for test cases in your forked project, please review and approve it so we can include the changes in this PR.

onisim-iacob commented 3 months ago

Hi @crupakheti

PR with fix for tests approved. All yours!
