Using this approach its possible to import between multiple accounts and
add a database prefix.
I created this change on the import code based on a client engagement on Chile Peru, we needed to have a prefix on databases to import Glue Catalog between AWS accounts.
Actually the code is running daily to export from Account A to Account B and its working fine.
Description of changes:
Changed the function "metastore_import_from_s3" and change dataframes "databases", "tables" and "partitions" based on "db_prefix" parameter.
Changed the main and remove database_prefix from not_allowed_options
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Using this approach its possible to import between multiple accounts and add a database prefix.
Hi, I created this change on the import code based on a client engagement on Chile Peru, we needed to have a prefix on databases to import Glue Catalog between AWS accounts. Actually the code is running daily to export from Account A to Account B and its working fine.
Issue #, if available: I founded a issue related to a similar case "" but I made that based on client needs.
Description of changes: Changed the function "metastore_import_from_s3" and change dataframes "databases", "tables" and "partitions" based on "db_prefix" parameter.
Changed the main and remove database_prefix from not_allowed_options
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.