aws-samples / aws-sam-terraform-examples

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How to deploy code change? Example doesn't deploy if just an application code change. #10

Open ElijahLynn opened 1 year ago

ElijahLynn commented 1 year ago

I was able to deploy with Terraform the example at zip_based_lambda_functions/lambda-example/ However, if I just change a line in the zip_based_lambda_functions/api-lambda-dynamodb-example/src/ and do another terraform apply, the output rebuilds the file, yes, but it never deploys it.

This article doesn't suggest how to deploy changes.

Here is the tail of an apply:


ElijahLynn commented 1 year ago

Looks like the depends_on isn't working the way it should, investigating:


resource "aws_lambda_function" "publish_book_review" {
    filename = "${local.building_path}/${local.lambda_code_filename}"
    handler = "index.lambda_handler"
    runtime = "python3.8"
    function_name = "publish-book-review"
    role = aws_iam_role.iam_for_lambda.arn
    timeout = 30
    depends_on = [

    environment {
        variables = {
            DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME = "${}"
ElijahLynn commented 1 year ago

Working through this, using triggers:

K, null_resource is already using triggers and you can't use triggers on any other resource so I don't think that will work. I'm not sure there is a way as is right now.

ElijahLynn commented 1 year ago

Working through this approach