Much like the issue 2416, there seems to be an issue with the Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-ECS_Optimized AMIs, where the ECS-Agent is sometimes having issues connecting to the ECS Cluster due to some virtual hardware issues (the VMNetwork cannot be found). Like the other issue, this, too, seems random but will happen sporadically on our windows image.
Using packer we create our own AMIs based on the Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-ECS_Optimized AMIs. On the AMI we install ssh, then pull our windows docker images, and finally terminate it by installing EC2Launchv2. Once the AMI is ready we use it on our ECS cluster with the user data :
Much like the issue 2416, there seems to be an issue with the Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-ECS_Optimized AMIs, where the ECS-Agent is sometimes having issues connecting to the ECS Cluster due to some virtual hardware issues (the VMNetwork cannot be found). Like the other issue, this, too, seems random but will happen sporadically on our windows image.
Using packer we create our own AMIs based on the Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-ECS_Optimized AMIs. On the AMI we install ssh, then pull our windows docker images, and finally terminate it by installing EC2Launchv2. Once the AMI is ready we use it on our ECS cluster with the user data :
Periodically one of the instances in the ASG fails to get attached to the ECS Cluster with the following errors:
This error makes the instance unusable to the cluster, so the ASG launches a new one while the old one is left dangling unused.
Expected Behavior
The ECS-Agent reliably connects to the ECS cluster without errors.
Observed Behavior
The ECS-Agent will sometimes fail, and the instance will not be attached to the ECS cluster and will just continue running.
Supporting Log Snippets
UserScript.ps1.log output.log err.log