Open chapost1 opened 1 month ago
Can you try using the MQTT5 client? It will handle the PAYLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, because part of the updated protocol included the server communicating that the payload limit is.
The MQTT5 client is still broken, as mentioned in this comment.
Can you try using the MQTT5 client? It will handle the PAYLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, because part of the updated protocol included the server communicating that the payload limit is.
Already using MQTT5 client
I've tested multiple cases now and:
payload with the size of bytes >= 149482 results with the client to actually catch it and throw an error
payload with the size of bytes <= 131072 (128KB) results with no error and no disconnect event, and reaches to the broker safely
payload with the size of bytes >= 131073 (128KB + 1) and <= 149481 results in infinite connect and disconnect events due to the fact that the client keeps re-enqueue the message.
terminal logs
node index.js
Connack: Connection Success event {
connack: {
type: 2,
sessionPresent: false,
reasonCode: 0,
receiveMaximum: 100,
maximumQos: 1,
retainAvailable: true,
maximumPacketSize: 149504,
topicAliasMaximum: 8,
userProperties: [],
wildcardSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable: false,
sharedSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
serverKeepAlive: 120
settings: {
maximumQos: 1,
sessionExpiryInterval: 1200,
receiveMaximumFromServer: 100,
maximumPacketSizeToServer: 149504,
topicAliasMaximumToServer: 8,
topicAliasMaximumToClient: 0,
serverKeepAlive: 120,
retainAvailable: true,
wildcardSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable: false,
sharedSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
rejoinedSession: false,
clientId: 'test-issue-535_c4d0021a-96d0-4f43-a321-5d328f15fcb8'
Connection established
Disconnection event {
error: 'Error: libaws-c-mqtt: AWS_ERROR_MQTT5_DISCONNECT_RECEIVED, Mqtt5 client connection interrupted by server DISCONNECT.',
disconnect: {
type: 14,
reasonCode: 151,
reasonString: 'DISCONNECT:Packet payload is larger than the account limit:f0fbc633-ae95-43bd-9ec6-c18fca17d591',
userProperties: []
Connack: Connection Success event {
connack: {
type: 2,
sessionPresent: false,
reasonCode: 0,
receiveMaximum: 100,
maximumQos: 1,
retainAvailable: true,
maximumPacketSize: 149504,
topicAliasMaximum: 8,
userProperties: [],
wildcardSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable: false,
sharedSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
serverKeepAlive: 120
settings: {
maximumQos: 1,
sessionExpiryInterval: 1200,
receiveMaximumFromServer: 100,
maximumPacketSizeToServer: 149504,
topicAliasMaximumToServer: 8,
topicAliasMaximumToClient: 0,
serverKeepAlive: 120,
retainAvailable: true,
wildcardSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable: false,
sharedSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
rejoinedSession: false,
clientId: 'test-issue-535_c4d0021a-96d0-4f43-a321-5d328f15fcb8'
Disconnection event {
error: 'Error: libaws-c-mqtt: AWS_ERROR_MQTT5_DISCONNECT_RECEIVED, Mqtt5 client connection interrupted by server DISCONNECT.',
disconnect: {
type: 14,
reasonCode: 151,
reasonString: 'DISCONNECT:Packet payload is larger than the account limit:c245072b-0f7f-4af9-aa14-2943c023b4b3',
userProperties: []
Connack: Connection Success event {
connack: {
type: 2,
sessionPresent: false,
reasonCode: 0,
receiveMaximum: 100,
maximumQos: 1,
retainAvailable: true,
maximumPacketSize: 149504,
topicAliasMaximum: 8,
userProperties: [],
wildcardSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable: false,
sharedSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
serverKeepAlive: 120
settings: {
maximumQos: 1,
sessionExpiryInterval: 1200,
receiveMaximumFromServer: 100,
maximumPacketSizeToServer: 149504,
topicAliasMaximumToServer: 8,
topicAliasMaximumToClient: 0,
serverKeepAlive: 120,
retainAvailable: true,
wildcardSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable: false,
sharedSubscriptionsAvailable: true,
rejoinedSession: false,
clientId: 'test-issue-535_c4d0021a-96d0-4f43-a321-5d328f15fcb8'
Disconnection event {
error: 'Error: libaws-c-mqtt: AWS_ERROR_MQTT5_DISCONNECT_RECEIVED, Mqtt5 client connection interrupted by server DISCONNECT.',
disconnect: {
type: 14,
reasonCode: 151,
reasonString: 'DISCONNECT:Packet payload is larger than the account limit:0d43adad-2e29-4700-935d-7558fc3c6f15',
userProperties: []
code snippet that re-produces the issue.
const iotsdk = require('aws-iot-device-sdk-v2')
const iot = iotsdk.iot
const mqtt5 = iotsdk.mqtt5
const fs = require('node:fs')
const events = require('node:events')
const crypto = require('node:crypto')
const { scheduler } = require('node:timers/promises')
const getClient = () => {
const port = 8883
const clientId = `test-issue-535_${crypto.randomUUID()}`
const cert = fs.readFileSync('./cert.crt')
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync('./key.pem')
const endpoint = fs.readFileSync('./endpoint.txt', 'utf-8').trim()
const config = iot.AwsIotMqtt5ClientConfigBuilder.newDirectMqttBuilderWithMtlsFromMemory(
keepAliveIntervalSeconds: 120,
sessionExpiryIntervalSeconds: 1200,
const client = new mqtt5.Mqtt5Client(config);
return client
const connect = async (client) => {
// makes sure process won't die during first connection attempt
const timer = setInterval(() => { }, 60 * 1000)
// Allow node to die if the promise above resolved
clearKeepAliveInterval = () => clearInterval(timer)
// set up event handlers
client.on('error', (error) => {
console.error("Error event: " + error.toString());
client.on('connectionSuccess', (eventData) => {
console.log("Connack: Connection Success event", {
connack: eventData.connack,
settings: eventData.settings
client.on('disconnection', (eventData) => {
console.log("Disconnection event", {
error: eventData.error.toString(),
disconnect: eventData.disconnect || null,
const connectionSuccess = events.once(client, "connectionSuccess");
// connect
await connectionSuccess
console.log("Connection established")
return client
const run = async () => {
const client = getClient()
await connect(client)
// publish a large payload
const payload = Buffer.alloc(128*1024 + 1, 'a')
await client.publish({
topicName: 'test-issue-535',
payload: payload,
qos: mqtt5.QoS.AtLeastOnce,
retain: false
await scheduler.wait(1000)
run().catch((error) => {
console.error("An error occurred:", error)
This is an IoT Core bug that I reported a year ago. Will follow up and see why it has not been addressed yet.
Describe the bug
Client keeps retrying publish message (re-enqueue) post disconnect, which it's cause is PAYLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. which cause infinite connect/disconnect events.
Expected Behavior
Result with a puback that indicates a failure and not re-enqueue the message as it's payload won't shrink.
Current Behavior
No PUBACK response for the publish method.
Reproduction Steps
Just create a client instance that connects post disconnect events, and attempt to publish a message with payload larger than allowed size.
Possible Solution
Not sure if feasible, because if no puback is returned, then maybe it's on the iot-core service side also, but I think the solution should behave with resulting with failure puback or at least not re-enqueue as it will not be resolved by itself.
Additional Information/Context
No response
SDK version used
Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)