This Packer AMI Builder creates a new AMI out of the latest Amazon Linux AMI, and also provides a cloudformation template that leverages AWS CodePipeline to orchestrate the entire process.
├── ansible
│ ├── playbook.yaml <-- Ansible playbook file
│ ├── requirements.yaml <-- Ansible Galaxy requirements containing additional Roles to be used (CIS, Cloudwatch Logs)
│ └── roles
│ ├── common <-- Upgrades all packages through ``yum``
├── buildspec.yml <-- CodeBuild spec
├── cloudformation <-- Cloudformation to create entire pipeline
│ └── pipeline.yaml
├── packer_cis.json <-- Packer template for Pipeline
Cloudformation will create the following resources as part of the AMI Builder for Packer:
Before you start
Launch the Cloudformation stack
Region | AMI Builder Launch Template |
N. Virginia (us-east-1) | |
Ireland (eu-west-1) | |
London (eu-west-2) |
To clone the AWS CodeCommit repository (console)
To clone the AWS CodeCommit repository (CLI)
# Retrieve CodeCommit repo URL
git_repo=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`GitRepository`].OutputValue' --output text --stack-name "AMI-Builder-Blogpost")
# Clone repository locally
git clone ${git_repo}
Next, we need to copy all files in this repository into the newly cloned Git repository:
Lastly, commit these changes to your AWS CodeCommit repo and watch the AMI being built through the AWS CodePipeline Console:
git add .
git commit -m "SHIP THIS AMI"
git push origin master
Timeout waiting for SSH.
, it means either