awslabs / aws-deployment-framework

The AWS Deployment Framework (ADF) is an extensive and flexible framework to manage and deploy resources across multiple AWS accounts and regions based on AWS Organizations.
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Feat static bootstrap stack names #712

Closed sbkok closed 7 months ago

sbkok commented 7 months ago


Initially, ADF would generate bootstrap stack names that included the name of the OU at the end. For example, for an OU named banking, it would generate the global adf-global-base-banking stack.

This, however, makes it harder to harden ADF. As it would need access rights to deploy and manage CloudFormation stacks with a wildcard at the end. Instead of listing a limited number of stack names.

Additionally, it makes it harder to write an SCP to limit who can update these stacks as well.

It also makes it impossible to move an account from one OU to another, as the previous bootstrap stack will contain resources that the new stack attempts to create.


Additional fix:

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