awslabs / aws-powershell-extensions

The extensions for AWS Tools for PowerShell provide workflow enhancements on top of the core AWSPowerShell module.
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Value null at 'invalidationBatch.callerReference' for New-CFInvalidation #4

Open frankfuu opened 5 years ago

frankfuu commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to create a Cloudfront Invalidation. Here was my command

New-CFInvalidation -DistributionId "E2VZ0IAPPOXXX" -Paths_Item "/*"

but I get an error saying the parameters InvalidationBatch_CallerReference and Paths_Quantity are required but the documentation says otherwise.

New-CFInvalidation : 2 validation errors detected: 
Value null at 'invalidationBatch.callerReference' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null; Value null at 'invalidationBatch.paths.quantity' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null
At line:1 char:1

I've confirmed that for that using Ubuntu's AWS CLI that the two params don't seem neccessary because I tried the following and works fine.

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E2VZ0IAPPOXXX--paths "/*"

Here is my AWS Powershell installation details.

> Get-AWSPowerShellVersion -ListServiceVersionInfo

AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Version 3.3.428.0
Copyright 2012-2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Amazon Web Services SDK for .NET
Core Runtime Version
Copyright 2009-2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Service                                               Noun Prefix API Version
-------                                               ----------- -----------
AWS Amplify                                           AMP         2017-07-25
AWS App Mesh                                          AMSH        2018-10-01
AWS AppStream                                         APS         2016-12-01
AWS AppSync                                           ASYN        2017-07-25
AWS Auto Scaling Plans                                ASP         2018-01-06
AWS Batch                                             BAT         2016-08-10
AWS Budgets                                           BGT         2016-10-20
AWS Certificate Manager                               ACM         2015-12-08
AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority PCA         2017-08-22
AWS Cloud Directory                                   CDIR        2017-01-11
AWS Cloud HSM                                         HSM         2014-05-30
AWS Cloud HSM V2                                      HSM2        2017-04-28
AWS Cloud9                                            C9          2017-09-23
AWS CloudFormation                                    CFN         2010-05-15
AWS CloudTrail                                        CT          2013-11-01
AWS CodeBuild                                         CB          2016-10-06
AWS CodeCommit                                        CC          2015-04-13
AWS CodeDeploy                                        CD          2014-10-06
AWS CodePipeline                                      CP          2015-07-09
AWS CodeStar                                          CST         2017-04-19
AWS Comprehend Medical                                CMPM        2018-10-30
AWS Config                                            CFG         2014-11-12
AWS Cost Explorer                                     CE          2017-10-25
AWS Cost and Usage Report                             CUR         2017-01-06
AWS Data Pipeline                                     DP          2012-10-29
AWS DataSync                                          DSYN        2018-11-09
AWS Database Migration Service                        DMS         2016-01-01
AWS Device Farm                                       DF          2015-06-23
AWS Direct Connect                                    DC          2012-10-25
AWS Directory Service                                 DS          2015-04-16
AWS Elastic Beanstalk                                 EB          2010-12-01
AWS Elemental MediaConnect                            EMCN        2018-11-14
AWS Elemental MediaConvert                            EMC         2017-08-29
AWS Elemental MediaLive                               EML         2017-10-14
AWS Elemental MediaPackage                            EMP         2017-10-12
AWS Elemental MediaStore                              EMS         2017-09-01
AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane                   EMSD        2017-09-01
AWS Elemental MediaTailor                             EMT         2018-04-23
AWS Global Accelerator                                GACL        2018-08-08
AWS Glue                                              GLUE        2017-03-31
AWS Greengrass                                        GG          2017-06-07
AWS Health                                            HLTH        2016-08-04
AWS Identity and Access Management                    IAM         2010-05-08
AWS Import/Export                                     IE          2010-06-01
AWS Import/Export Snowball                            SNOW        2016-06-30
AWS IoT                                               IOT         2015-05-28
AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane                               IOTJ        2017-09-29
AWS Key Management Service                            KMS         2014-11-01
AWS Lambda                                            LM          2015-03-31
AWS License Manager                                   LICM        2018-08-01
AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics                    MCA         2015-07-01
AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service                   MES         2017-01-11
AWS Marketplace Metering                              MM          2016-01-14
AWS Migration Hub                                     MH          2017-05-31
AWS Mobile                                            MOBL        2017-07-01
AWS OpsWorks                                          OPS         2013-02-18
AWS OpsWorksCM                                        OWCM        2016-11-01
AWS Organizations                                     ORG         2016-11-28
AWS Performance Insights                              PI          2018-02-27
AWS Price List Service                                PLS         2017-10-15
AWS RDS DataService                                   RDSD        2018-08-01
AWS Resource Access Manager                           RAM         2018-01-04
AWS Resource Groups                                   RG          2017-11-27
AWS Resource Groups Tagging API                       RGT         2017-01-26
AWS RoboMaker                                         ROBO        2018-06-29
AWS Secrets Manager                                   SEC         2017-10-17
AWS Security Hub                                      SHUB        2018-10-26
AWS Security Token Service                            STS         2011-06-15
AWS Serverless Application Repository                 SAR         2017-09-08
AWS Service Catalog                                   SC          2015-12-10
AWS Shield                                            SHLD        2016-06-02
AWS Step Functions                                    SFN         2016-11-23
AWS Storage Gateway                                   SG          2013-06-30
AWS Support API                                       ASA         2013-04-15
AWS Systems Manager                                   SSM         2014-11-06
AWS Transfer for SFTP                                 TFR         2018-11-05
AWS WAF                                               WAF         2015-08-24
AWS WAF Regional                                      WAFR        2016-11-28
AWS X-Ray                                             XR          2016-04-12
Alexa For Business                                    ALXB        2017-11-09
Amazon API Gateway                                    AG          2015-07-09
Amazon Athena                                         ATH         2017-05-18
Amazon Chime                                          CHM         2018-05-01
Amazon CloudFront                                     CF          2018-11-05
Amazon CloudSearch                                    CS          2013-01-01
Amazon CloudSearchDomain                              CSD         2013-01-01

Any ideas?

camharris commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this issue, maybe the documentation should be updated.