awslabs / aws-servicebroker

AWS Service Broker
Apache License 2.0
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Is API Gateway supported in latest release of aws-servicebroker (`1.0.2`) ? #198

Open UtsavChokshiCNU opened 4 years ago

UtsavChokshiCNU commented 4 years ago

One line description of problem: I can not find AWS API Gateway listed in ClusterServiceClasses after installing aws service broker.

Detailed description: I installed latest release of Service Broker (1.0.2) using Helm3 successfully

helm repo add aws-sb
kubectl create namespace aws-sb
helm install aws-servicebroker aws-sb/aws-servicebroker --namespace aws-sb --version 1.0.2 --set aws.region=us-east-1  --set aws.accesskeyid=xx --set aws.secretkey=xx

When I listed ClusterServiceClasses , I received the following list.

kubectl get ClusterServiceClasses -o=custom-columns=NAME:.spec.externalName,DESCRIPTION:.spec.description
NAME               DESCRIPTION
emr                AWS Service Broker - Amazon EMR
rdsmysql           AWS Service Broker - Amazon RDS for MySQL
redshift           AWS Service Broker - Amazon Redshift
kms                AWS Service Broker - KMS Key
cognito            AWS Service Broker - Amazon Cognito
auroramysql        AWS Service Broker - Amazon Aurora MySQL 5.6, 5.7
sqs                AWS Service Broker - Amazon SQS
lex                AWS Service Broker - Amazon Lex
rdsmssql           AWS Service Broker - Amazon RDS Microsoft SQL Server Standard and Web and Express
s3                 AWS Service Broker - Amazon S3
polly              AWS Service Broker - Amazon Polly
rdspostgresql      AWS Service Broker - Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
codecommit         AWS Service Broker - Amazon CodeCommit
translate          AWS Service Broker - Amazon Translate
rdsoracle          AWS Service Broker - Amazon RDS for Oracle
aurorapostgresql   AWS Service Broker - Amazon Aurora Postgresql
elasticsearch      AWS Service Broker - Amazon Elasticsearch
rekognition        AWS Service Broker - Amazon Rekognition
route53            AWS Service Broker - Amazon Route 53
elasticache        AWS Service Broker - Amazon ElastiCache for memcached
dynamodb           AWS Service Broker - Amazon DynamoDB
sns                AWS Service Broker - Amazon SNS
documentdb         AWS Service Broker - Amazon DocumentDB
rdsmariadb         AWS Service Broker - Amazon RDS for MariaDB
mq                 AWS Service Broker - Amazon MQ
athena             AWS Service Broker - Amazon Athena
kinesis            AWS Service Broker - Amazon Kinesis Data Stream

Does policies attached to IAM User (whose secret access key and access id has been provided to perform helm install) affect the cluster classes installed?

If yes, please update file setup/prerequisites.yaml file in master branch through which I created IAM user.

rniksch commented 3 years ago

At this stage API gateway is not a AWS service provided via the AWS Service broker. we are collecting feature requests via the issues to explore this being added in the future. or customers can make use of their own CloudFormation templates in a custom S3 bucket.

rniksch commented 3 years ago

The list you are getting is the current list of support AWS services.