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[RFC] abstract loss function to a new file, add more loss to it #159

Closed menjarleev closed 4 years ago

menjarleev commented 4 years ago

I would like to add more loss function support including ranking loss/logistic loss, cross entropy loss, etc. As we have both PyTorch and MXNet backend support, I will abstract loss function into abstract factory method for further extension(I can do PyTorch).

class BaseLoss(object):
    def __call__(self, score, label):

class BaseLogisticLoss(BaseLoss):
    """ Logistic Loss
    log(1 + exp(-l_i * f(t_i)))
    l_i         -> label i from {-1, 1}
    f           -> score function
    t_i         -> triple i
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(BaseLogisticLoss, self).__init__()
        self.neg_label = args.neg_label

    def __call__(self, score, label):

class BaseBCELoss(BaseLoss):
    """ Binary Cross Entropy Loss
    -(l_i * log(actv(f(t_i))) + (1 - l_i) * log(1 - actv(f(t_i)))
    l_i         -> label i from {0, 1}
    f           -> score function
    actv        -> logistic sigmoid function
    t_i         -> triple i
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(BaseBCELoss, self).__init__()

    def __call__(self, score, label):

class BaseHingeLoss(BaseLoss):
    """ Hinge Loss
    max(0, m - l_i * f(t_i))
    m           -> margin value (hyper-parameter)
    l_i         -> label i
    f           -> score function
    t_i         -> triple i
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(BaseHingeLoss, self).__init__()
        self.margin = args.margin

    def __call__(self, score, label):

class BaseLogsigmoidLoss(BaseLoss):
    """ Logsigmoid Loss
    -log(1 / (1 + exp(-l_i * f(t_i))))
    l_i         -> label i from {-1, 1}
    f           -> score
    t_i         -> triple i
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(BaseLogsigmoidLoss, self).__init__()

    def __call__(self, score, label):

class BaseLossGenerator(object):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.pairwise = args.pairwise
        self.neg_adversarial_sampling = args.neg_adversarial_sampling
        if self.neg_adversarial_sampling:
            self.adversarial_temperature = args.adversarial_temperature
            self.adversarial_temperature = 0
        self.loss_genre = args.loss_genre
        self.neg_label = args.neg_label
        if self.pairwise == self.neg_adversarial_sampling == True:
            raise ValueError('loss cannot be pairwise and adversarial sampled')
        if self.pairwise and self.loss_genre == 'Ranking':
            raise ValueError('Ranking loss cannot be applied to pairwise loss function')

    def get_pos_loss(self, pos_score):
        """ Predict loss for positive labels

        pos_score : tensor
                    Score calculated from positive triples

                positive loss calculated with specific loss criterion

    def get_neg_loss(self, neg_score):
        """ Predict loss for negative triples

        neg_score: tensor
                   Score calculated from positive triples

                Negative loss calculated with specific loss criterion

    def get_total_loss(self, pos_score, neg_score):
        """ Calculate total loss for a batch of positive triples and negative triples.
        The total loss can be point-wise and pairwise. For pairwise, it is average of the relative loss from positive score to negative
        score. For point-wise, it can be average of the positive loss and negative loss or negative loss
        weighted by its negative score and adversarial_temperature.

        If pairwise:
        L_{total} = mean(L(f(t_i^-) - f(t_i^+)))
        L_{total}   -> total loss
        L           -> local loss criterion
        f           -> score function
        t_i^-       -> negative sample for triple i
        t_i^+       -> positive sample for triple i

        If neg_adversarial_sampling:
        L_{adv_neg} = sum(softmax(f(t_i^-) * T) * L_{neg})
        L_{adv_neg} -> adversarial weighed negative loss
        L_{neg}     -> negative loss
        f           -> score function
        t_i^-       -> negative sample for triple i
        T           -> adversarial temperature (hyper-parameter)

        pos_score : tensor
                    Score calculated from positive triples
        neg_score : tensor
                    Score calculated from negative triples

            Total loss by aggregate positive score and negative score.
            log to record scalar value of negative loss, positive loss and/or total loss
classicsong commented 4 years ago

Can you provide some pseudo code showing how to use the loss? Further, the regularization loss can be implemented elsewhere. In AbstractLossGenerator, we can focus on only the loss related to the triplets.

menjarleev commented 4 years ago

Can you provide some pseudo code showing how to use the loss? Further, the regularization loss can be implemented elsewhere. In AbstractLossGenerator, we can focus on only the loss related to the triplets.

The Loss & LossGenerator has different implementations for MXNet&Pytorch. #161 For developer who is going to further extend this function, only LossGenerator is used in at forward:

        loss, log = self.loss_gen.get_total_loss(pos_score, neg_score)

where self.loss_gen is initialized in __init__().

Users who are going to use different loss functions to train the model, just need to note for several flags:

# choose from ['Hinge', 'Logistic', 'Softplus', 'Logsigmoid', 'BCE' ]
# value for negative label, choose from [0, -1]
# hyper-parameter for hinge loss
--margin or -m