High-performance open-source orchestration utility that utilizes EBS Direct APIs to efficiently clone, copy and migrate EBS snapshots to and from arbitrary File, Block or Object destinations.
Help is available by running src/main.py -h
Some usage examples are available as full-stack canaries in test_functional.py.
Example scenarios we have tested are in Scenarios
IAM permissions required for reading and writing snapshots are documented here.
Below is an example IAM template:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
The below one-liner will generate a list of all commands for which test cases exist, and show their syntax.
% cat test/test_functional.py|grep python3 | cut -d "/" -f 2-3 | awk -F"[{']" '{print $1 $3 " " $6 " " $9}'
src/main.py list ORG_SNAP
src/main.py download snapshotId PATH_TO_RAW_DEVICE
src/main.py deltadownload snapshot1 snapshot2 PATH_TO_RAW_DEVICE
src/main.py upload UPLOAD_BLOCKS
src/main.py copy snapshotId
src/main.py diff snapshotId_1 snapshotId_2
src/main.py sync snapshotId_1 snapshotId_2 snapshotId_parent
src/main.py multiclone snapshotId PATH_TO_TEMP_DIRECTORY
src/main.py movetos3 snapshotId DEST_S3_BUCKET
src/main.py getfroms3 snapshotId DEST_S3_BUCKET
Currently, the utility will enumerate all Python package dependencies on runtime, and install necessary packages via pip3
if they are not already installed on the system. It will show no indication of progress, and will not ask the user for permission to install additional packages.
TODO: Ask user for permission, print a list of packages it is going to install.
TODO: Get the package into PyPI so it could be installed via pip3
Configuration of the transfer is performed at runtime with the following CLI arguments:
Optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
AWS Origin Region. Source of Snapshot copies. (default: .aws/config then us-east-1)
-d, --dry_run Perform a dry run of FSP operation to check valid AWS permissions. (default: false)
-q, --quiet quiet output
-v, --verbosity output verbosity. (Pass/Fail blocks per region)
-vv increased output verbosity. (Pass/Fail for individual blocks)
-vvv Maximum output verbosity. (All individual block retries will be recorded)
--nodeps Do not verify/install dependencies.
--suppress_writes Intended for underpowered devices. Will not write log files or check dependencies
Additional advanced tuneables are currently in the source itself.
NUM_JOBS # controls the parallelism
FULL_COPY # enables transfer of sparse chunks, which are skipped by default
offset # in chunk_and_align() controls the maximum size of S3 Objects generated. 64 chunks = 32 MB.
TODO: implement a setup.py
script for CLI configuration/installation.
Flexible Snapshot Proxy supports the following commands:
list Returns accurate size of an EBS Snapshot by enumerating
actual consumed/allocated space.
diff Returns accurate size of an EBS Snapshot Delta by
enumerating the incremental block-level difference
between 2 Snapshots with a common parent.
download Transfers an EBS Snapshot to an arbitrary file or
block device.
deltadownload Downloads the delta between any two snapshots with a
common parent on top of an arbitrary file or block device.
Can be used for synchronizing existing volumes created from
the parent.
upload Transfers an arbitrary file or block device to a new
EBS Snapshot.
copy Transfers an EBS Snapshot to another EBS Direct API
Endpoint. Intended use case: copy EBS Snapshots across
accounts and/or regions)
sync Synchronizes the incremental difference between 2
EBS Snapshots, delta(A,B) to Snapshot C (clone of A),
resulting in Snapshot D (clone of B). Intended use case:
`copy` the parent snapshot, then use `sync` to synchronize
movetos3 Transfers an EBS Snapshot or an arbitrary image file / block
(TODO: verify device to a customer-owned S3 Bucket (any S3 Storage Class, or
block->S3 path) Snow Family), with zstandard compression, tuneable object
size and an independent segment checksum.
getfroms3 Transfers a Snapshot stored in a customer-owned S3
Bucket to a new block volume or file.
multiclone Same functionality as `download`, but writing to
multiple destinations in parallel. Intended use case: clone a
snapshot to multiple volumes.
fanout Upload from arbitrary file or block device to
multiple EBS Snapshot(s) in parallel, provided a list
of regions.
todo: Outline the design choices of high parallelization and sharing memory completing the same job in different regions (e.g. multiclone
and fanout
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.