awslabs / git-secrets

Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories
Apache License 2.0
12.47k stars 1.18k forks source link

template install fails on Windows #123

Open smankoo-dbrs opened 5 years ago

smankoo-dbrs commented 5 years ago

trying to install template "~" directory, instead of being installed in %USERPROFILE%

git-secrets release: 1.3.0

PS D:\gittest\.git\hooks> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
5      1      17763  316

PS D:\gittest\.git\hooks> cd
PS D:\gittest\.git\hooks> cd\
PS D:\> dir -Force

    Directory: D:\

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d--hs-         3/6/2019   1:40 PM                $RECYCLE.BIN
d-----        5/14/2019   3:42 PM                badreports
d-----        4/16/2019   1:42 PM                bin
d-----         5/1/2019  10:25 AM                github
d-----        5/16/2019  12:18 PM                gittest
d-----        5/16/2019   2:16 PM                gittest2
d-----         3/8/2019   5:37 PM                Logs
d--h--        4/30/2019  10:55 AM                OneDriveTemp
d-----        3/18/2019   2:38 PM                PSTools
d--hs-         3/6/2019   1:24 PM                System Volume Information
d-----         3/6/2019   1:24 PM                Users
-a----        3/18/2019   2:43 PM            626 admin.ps1
-a----        5/14/2019   3:43 PM           4290 rds_sg_info_dbrsdpp.txt
-a----        5/14/2019   3:44 PM           6014 rds_sg_info_dbrspoc.txt
-a----        5/14/2019   3:44 PM           4151 rds_sg_info_dbrsprod.txt
-a----        5/14/2019   3:42 PM           2116

PS D:\> git secrets --install ~/.git-templates/git-secrets
✓ Installed commit-msg hook to ~/.git-templates/git-secrets/hooks/commit-msg
✓ Installed pre-commit hook to ~/.git-templates/git-secrets/hooks/pre-commit
✓ Installed prepare-commit-msg hook to ~/.git-templates/git-secrets/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
PS D:\> dir -Force

    Directory: D:\

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d--hs-         3/6/2019   1:40 PM                $RECYCLE.BIN
d-----        5/14/2019   3:42 PM                badreports
d-----        4/16/2019   1:42 PM                bin
d-----         5/1/2019  10:25 AM                github
d-----        5/16/2019  12:18 PM                gittest
d-----        5/16/2019   2:16 PM                gittest2
d-----         3/8/2019   5:37 PM                Logs
d--h--        4/30/2019  10:55 AM                OneDriveTemp
d-----        3/18/2019   2:38 PM                PSTools
d--hs-         3/6/2019   1:24 PM                System Volume Information
d-----         3/6/2019   1:24 PM                Users
d-----        5/16/2019   2:22 PM                ~
-a----        3/18/2019   2:43 PM            626 admin.ps1
-a----        5/14/2019   3:43 PM           4290 rds_sg_info_dbrsdpp.txt
-a----        5/14/2019   3:44 PM           6014 rds_sg_info_dbrspoc.txt
-a----        5/14/2019   3:44 PM           4151 rds_sg_info_dbrsprod.txt
-a----        5/14/2019   3:42 PM           2116

PS D:\>
sparr commented 1 year ago

I believe that ~ expansion was not available in PowerShell 5.1, but more recently it is available as an experimental feature (, and may be further available even more recently.

Could you try with and without that experimental feature enabled and confirm whether you are able to proceed?