axhlzy / Il2CppHookScripts

frida-based runtime parsing script
MIT License
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Error :) #32

Closed DarkneSsDz closed 7 months ago

DarkneSsDz commented 8 months ago

Spawned com.lockwoodpublishing.avakinlife. Resuming main thread!
Error: access violation accessing 0x0 at value (frida/runtime/core.js:384) at HookRegisterNatives (agent/java/registerNative.ts:151) at JNIHelper (agent/java/registerNative.ts:120) at get instance (agent/java/registerNative.ts:111) at (agent/java/registerNative.ts:142) at call (native) at o (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (agent/java/include.ts:9) at call (native) at o (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (agent/include.ts:7) at call (native) at o (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (agent/index.ts:1) at call (native) at (C:\Users\Sam\Music\bridge3\Il2CppHookScripts\Il2cppHook_Ufunc.js:39105) at call (native) at (C:\Users\Sam\Music\bridge3\Il2CppHookScripts\Il2cppHook_Ufunc.js:39105) at call (native) at o (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at r (node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js:1) at (C:\Users\Sam\Music\bridge3\Il2CppHookScripts\Il2cppHook_Ufunc.js:47864) at evaluate (native) at (/frida/repl-2.js:1)

axhlzy commented 8 months ago

nop -> agent/java/registerNative.ts:142

DarkneSsDz commented 8 months ago

nop -> agent/java/registerNative.ts:142


what do you mean can you explain ?

axhlzy commented 8 months ago
1    private HookRegisterNatives() {
2        if (this.addrRegisterNatives != null) {
3            Interceptor.attach(this.addrRegisterNatives, {
4                onEnter: (args: InvocationArguments) => {
5                    // static jint RegisterNatives(JNIEnv env, jclass clazz, const JNINativeMethod* methods, jint nMethods)
6                    this.cacheRegisterNativeItem.push(new RegisterNativeItem(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3].toInt32()))
7                }
8            })
9        }

That could be the problem 👇 2 if (this.addrRegisterNatives != null) { In this line, addrRegisterNatives is of type NativePointer and cannot be used with ! = null, it should use the NativePointer method isNull instead.

DarkneSsDz commented 8 months ago

@axhlzy if you can help on something and i will pay you of cours please give me any method to contact you private mybe telegram or discord

DarkneSsDz commented 8 months ago

@axhlzy watch this video :

axhlzy commented 8 months ago

This may have frida's anti-debugging code, you can try this frida-server first