azavea / tilegarden

Serverless raster and vector map tile generation using Mapnik and AWS Lambda
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Apply relevant changes from PeopleForBikes implementation #129

Open KlaasH opened 5 years ago

KlaasH commented 5 years ago

Tilegarden is being used in, but since this will be the first production deployment and project integration, we've decided to copy it over and develop it there, to facilitate making the changes necessary for that project without too much overhead from trying to maintain compatibility with a hypothetical general implementation. The plan is to do what makes sense over there then bring that work back into Tilegarden proper as lessons learned and guidance for what makes sense in a general-purpose architecture.

To that end, this will be a running list of changes made over there that should (or should not) be considered for incorporation.

Consider incorporating:

Changes that are specific to PFB, not for incorporation:

KlaasH commented 5 years ago

More changes to incorporate: