Closed Dethkiller15 closed 3 months ago
as I dont know what I am doing I like most tech savy people who are slightly/heavily out of their depth do I asked chatGPT and it gave the following dockerfile
I basically gave it the prompt to make it so that the dockerfile for this allows the container to also host a VPN server that runs the traffic through the main VPN connection. I just hope someone could test it for me and potentially correct some mistakes. I am out of brain juice after doing research and testing the past couple of days since making this request for help/issue.
# s6 overlay builder
FROM alpine:3.20.2 AS s6-builder
ENV PACKAGE="just-containers/s6-overlay"
RUN echo "**** install security fix packages ****" && \
echo "**** install mandatory packages ****" && \
apk --no-cache --no-progress add \
tar=1.35-r2 \
xz=5.6.2-r0 \
&& \
echo "**** create folders ****" && \
mkdir -p /s6 && \
echo "**** download ${PACKAGE} ****" && \
"linux/amd64") echo "x86_64" ;; \
"linux/386") echo "i486" ;; \
"linux/arm64") echo "aarch64" ;; \
"linux/arm/v7") echo "armhf" ;; \
"linux/arm/v6") echo "arm" ;; \
*) echo "" ;; esac) && \
echo "Package ${PACKAGE} platform ${PACKAGEPLATFORM} version ${PACKAGEVERSION}" && \
wget -q "${PACKAGE}/releases/download/v${PACKAGEVERSION}/s6-overlay-noarch.tar.xz" -qO /tmp/s6-overlay-noarch.tar.xz && \
wget -q "${PACKAGE}/releases/download/v${PACKAGEVERSION}/s6-overlay-${PACKAGEPLATFORM}.tar.xz" -qO /tmp/s6-overlay-binaries.tar.xz && \
tar -C /s6/ -Jxpf /tmp/s6-overlay-noarch.tar.xz && \
tar -C /s6/ -Jxpf /tmp/s6-overlay-binaries.tar.xz
# rootfs builder
FROM alpine:3.20.2 AS rootfs-builder
RUN echo "**** install security fix packages ****" && \
echo "**** end run statement ****"
COPY root/ /rootfs/
RUN chmod +x /rootfs/usr/bin/*
RUN chmod +x /rootfs/etc/nordvpn/init/*
COPY --from=s6-builder /s6/ /rootfs/
# Main image
FROM alpine:3.20.2
LABEL maintainer="Alexander Zinchenko <>"
ENV TECHNOLOGY=openvpn_udp \
RUN echo "**** install security fix packages ****" && \
echo "**** install mandatory packages ****" && \
apk --no-cache --no-progress add \
bash=5.2.26-r0 \
curl=8.9.0-r0 \
iptables=1.8.10-r3 \
ip6tables=1.8.10-r3 \
jq=1.7.1-r0 \
shadow=4.15.1-r0 \
shadow-login=4.15.1-r0 \
openvpn=2.6.11-r0 \
easy-rsa=3.1.3-r0 \
bind-tools=9.18.27-r0 \
&& \
echo "**** create process user ****" && \
addgroup --system --gid 912 nordvpn && \
adduser --system --uid 912 --disabled-password --no-create-home --ingroup nordvpn nordvpn && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
rm -rf /tmp/* && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
COPY --from=rootfs-builder /rootfs/ /
# Set up OpenVPN server configuration
RUN echo "**** configure OpenVPN server ****" && \
mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/server && \
mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa && \
ln -s /usr/share/easy-rsa/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ && \
cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/sample/sample-config-files/server.conf /etc/openvpn/server/ && \
sed -i 's/;tls-auth ta.key 0/tls-auth ta.key 0/g' /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf && \
sed -i 's/;user nobody/user nordvpn/g' /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf && \
sed -i 's/;group nogroup/group nordvpn/g' /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf && \
sed -i 's/port 1194/port 1194/g' /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf && \
sed -i 's/;log-append openvpn.log/log-append \/var\/log\/openvpn.log/g' /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf
# Generate server keys and certificates
RUN echo "**** generate OpenVPN server keys ****" && \
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa && \
./easyrsa init-pki && \
./easyrsa build-ca nopass && \
./easyrsa gen-dh && \
openvpn --genkey --secret /etc/openvpn/server/ta.key && \
./easyrsa build-server-full server nopass && \
./easyrsa gen-crl && \
cp pki/ca.crt pki/private/ca.key pki/issued/server.crt pki/private/server.key /etc/openvpn/server/ && \
cp pki/dh.pem /etc/openvpn/server/
# Expose necessary ports
EXPOSE 1194/udp
ENTRYPOINT ["/init"]
# Start OpenVPN server
CMD ["openvpn", "--config", "/etc/openvpn/server/server.conf"]
idk if this would work or not but it would be easier to route traffic through it if it is done this way for me.
I had decided to go with a fork more towards my use case.
I had been researching how to do this for the past few days and quite frankly I am out of my depth.
What I am attempting to do specifically is have the VPN container act as a host for all connections going out from a specific docker network adapter. Besides the ones that are to and from assigned ports that is.
All I know is that the iptables and/or ip commands are needed both in the host machine and in the container itself.
Why do I specifically want to do it this way instead of doing by attaching a container to the VPN container? In all honesty its to make it easier to manage my containers via Synologys docker webui and bypass "container needs 1 network" error I get when trying to start it via the webui instead of the "docker container start"