azmfaridee / mothur

This is GSoC2012 fork of 'Mothur'. We are trying to implement a number of 'Feature Selection' algorithms for microbial ecology data and incorporate them into mother's main codebase.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Convert ref #42

Closed rafi-kamal closed 5 years ago

rafi-kamal commented 11 years ago

bootstrappedTrainingSamples is now passed by reference in the constructor of RFTreeNode.

As RFTreeNode::bootstrappedFeatureVectors and RFTreeNode::bootstrappedTrainingSamples are just the transpose of each other, I think one can be eliminated altogether, it will save a lot of memory.

rafi-kamal commented 11 years ago

Now I've replaced vectors and vectors of vectors with their corresponding references wherever possible. In my machine now it takes less time and 30-40% less memory during a classify.shared command's run (I suggest more testing and profiling to be sure).