bSI-InfraRoom / IFC-Tunnel-Deployment

The IFC Tunnel Deployment documentation, examples and discussions
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A part of Sprint 3.geo A for voxel #195

Open oyo-rdc opened 8 months ago

oyo-rdc commented 8 months ago


Containing voxel

oyo-rdc commented 7 months ago

Updated the file

larswik commented 7 months ago

@pjanck : Seems like a bug in the checker (object reference not set to an instance of an object).

SergejMuhic commented 7 months ago

Alright, checked the file and there is a bunch of things wrong with it. The checker expects a certain completeness and since it is not there, we get a null value.

The following should be corrected first as these mistakes are already very deep on schema level: StepSerializer: #27 IfcLocalPlacement attribute PlacementRelTo of type IfcObjectPlacement does not match provided type IfcAxis2Placement3D. StepSerializer: #1002 IfcLocalPlacement attribute PlacementRelTo of type IfcObjectPlacement does not match provided type IfcAxis2Placement3D. StepSerializer: #1002 IfcLocalPlacement attribute RelativePlacement of type IfcAxis2Placement does not match provided type IfcLocalPlacement. StepSerializer: #1012 IfcDerivedUnit attribute Name is required but does not have a value.

The PlacementRelTo attribute should not point to IfcAxis2Placement but to another IfcObjectPlacement. On the other hand, the attribute RelativePlacement should point to an IfcLocalPlacement. Apparently the two attributes were switched. PlacementRelTo should be on position 1 and RelativePlacement on position 2. This is the case for # 1002.

The last issue for IfcDerivedUnit is not that critical but Name is mandatory.

oyo-rdc commented 7 months ago

@SergejMuhic, thank you for checking! I'll look into it and correct it.

oyo-rdc commented 7 months ago

@SergejMuhic I uploaded the revised file and failed the checker again. Would you please provide where it is wrong? Also, about IfcDerivedUnit, the attribute "Name" seems optional in the IFC4x3 add2 documentation (, but it seems mandatory in the 4x4 draft documentation. Has it been changed?

SergejMuhic commented 7 months ago

@SergejMuhic I uploaded the revised file and failed the checker again. Would you please provide where it is wrong?

We are still dealing with serialization errors on voxel (see inline for further explanation): StepSerializer: #108 IfcShapeRepresentation attribute ContextOfItems of type IfcRepresentationContext does not match provided type IfcLocalPlacement. -> IfcShapeRepresentation.ContextOfItems (first attribute) points to 103 IfcLocalPlacement. Should point to an IfcRepresentationContext. StepSerializer: Object of type 'THC.IFC4X4.IfcRepresentationResource.IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext' cannot be converted to type 'THC.IFC4X4.IfcGeometryResource.IfcRepresentationItem'.for elements: (#106) -> IfcShapeRepresentation.Items points to IfcGeometricRepresentationContext, should be pointing to IfcRepresentationItem StepSerializer: #1007 IfcShapeRepresentation attribute ContextOfItems of type IfcRepresentationContext does not match provided type IfcLocalPlacement. -> same error as the first but for 1007.

Also, about IfcDerivedUnit, the attribute "Name" seems optional in the IFC4x3 add2 documentation (, but it seems mandatory in the 4x4 draft documentation. Has it been changed?

No, you are right. This will be corrected in the reconciliation efforts. This issue does not influence a drop out of the check procedure however, so just ignore for now.

oyo-rdc commented 7 months ago

@SergejMuhic Thank you for checking. Clearly my mistakes -- I forgot to update the line numbers. Manual editing is not easy... The corrected file still fails the check. Is there a way I can see error messages from the checker?

SergejMuhic commented 6 months ago

@SergejMuhic Thank you for checking. Clearly my mistakes -- I forgot to update the line numbers. Manual editing is not easy... The corrected file still fails the check. Is there a way I can see error messages from the checker?

Two issues:

oyo-rdc commented 2 months ago

Uploaded a new ifc file (tokyo/tokyo-sections.ifc) that contains a geological section. Currently, it uses IFC4x3 entities (i.e. building element proxy etc.) to view in BIM vision because the file is not rendered correctly in ifcviewer (please see screenshots below). @peterrdf Would be appreciated if you could check the file and look into why this happens. Thank you. image image

SergejMuhic commented 1 month ago

Alright, the file is good. @peterrdf found a small bug. Here the screenshot: image

peterrdf commented 1 month ago

my bad indeed, the bug is fixed, viewer and library will be updated early next week (https://[](

oyo-rdc commented 1 month ago

Thank you, @peterrdf, @SergejMuhic for checking. I'll test our files with the updated version.