Installations/configurations required:
Install node.js:
Use the terminal to install Sequelize add these configurations:
sudo npm install express-generator -g sudo npm install -g sequelize-cli npm install --save sequelize npm install --save pg pg-hstore
Install PostgreSQL & configure a standard database:
To start program, use "npm start" or "node ./bin/www" (definition file of server)
Database definition: config/config.json
Local default server: localhost:3000/
In order to create a new model/table for use in the db:
sequelize model:create --name TableName --attributes attributeName:datatype This will generate a model and migration file. The migration file will be used to generate the table inside the database. To add/migrate the model to the database, use the command sequelize db:migrate. Now you can create a controller for the model inside the controllers folder. After the controller has been added, it has to be added inside controllers/index.js in order to be reached and used from the other folders. Now you can use the controller methods inside routes/index.js and it will be made available to the server.
To populate a database with models, use the following command:
npm run generatedb
Create user:
(POST) http://localhost:3000/api/add
Login & generate JWT:
(POST) http://localhost:3000/api/login
Example of a secure REST call:
(POST) http://localhost:3000/api/vessel
Example of a unsecure REST call: