The Tocbot module provides a wrapper around the Tocbot library. It creates a block with a table of contents (TOC), generated from HTML headings. The Tocbot block makes navigating through documentation pages or long articles easy.
Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions.
).With the default configuration, the module creates a "Tocbot" block that contains a table of contents. When a visitor scrolls down the page, at a certain point the block will be treated as fixed positioned. While the content of the page appears in the viewport, the corresponding TOC items will be highlighted, and nested items will be expanded.
In contrast to the Drupal version which by default uses CSS and JavaScript from
a CDN, the Backdrop version uses by default local library files bundled with
the module (CDN files are only loaded if the local library isn't available).
Currently version 4.23.0
of the TocBot library is bundled.
Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue.
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.