baggepinnen / MonteCarloMeasurements.jl

Propagation of distributions by Monte-Carlo sampling: Real number types with uncertainty represented by samples.
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Particles as indices #94

Open cscherrer opened 3 years ago

cscherrer commented 3 years ago

Hi @baggepinnen ,

For some Soss work, I have something like (simplified example)

julia> a = [Particles(), Particles()+1, Particles()+2]
3-element Array{Particles{Float64,2000},1}:
 -5.33e-18 ± 1.0
  1.0 ± 1.0
  2.0 ± 1.0

julia> i = Particles(DiscreteUniform(1,3))
 1.984 ± 0.821

and I'd like to be able to do

julia> a[i]
 0.995411 ± 1.29

My current approach is

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Particles) where P <: AbstractParticles
    return Particles([a[i.particles[n]][n] for n in eachindex(i.particles)])

This works fine, but maybe I have 2, 3, or 4 indices instead of just one. And for n indices we might have some particles and some Ints, with 2^n possibilities.

Do you have a better way to set up this kind of dispatch? Ideally this would be in MCM, but I'm not sure how to even approach the general case

cscherrer commented 3 years ago

For now I just have

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Particles) where P <: AbstractParticles
    return Particles([a[i.particles[n]][n] for n in eachindex(i.particles)])

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i, j::Particles) where P <: AbstractParticles
    return Particles([a[i,j.particles[n]][n] for n in eachindex(j.particles)])

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Particles, j) where P <: AbstractParticles
    return Particles([a[i.particles[n], j][n] for n in eachindex(i.particles)])

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Particles, j::Particles) where P <: AbstractParticles
    return Particles([a[i.particles[n], j.particles[n]][n] for n in eachindex(i.particles)])

Vectors and matrices cover the most common cases, but it would be nice to have something more general. If generalizing would be too complicated I can just use this and extend as I need to.

baggepinnen commented 3 years ago

Hi Chad! Interesting use case :) I think the tricky part is to avoid method ambiguities. Maybe one can get away with a linear number of methods like this

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Particles{<:Integer}, args::Union{AbstractParticles{<:Integer}, Integer}...) where P <: AbstractParticles
    args = promote(i, args...) # all args are now particles
    # logic

function Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Int, j::Particles{<:Integer}, args::Union{AbstractParticles{<:Integer}, Integer}...) where P <: AbstractParticles
    args = promote(i, j, args...) # all args are now particles
    # logic

unction Base.getindex(a::AbstractArray{P}, i::Int,, j::Int, k::Particles{<:Integer}, args::Union{AbstractParticles{<:Integer}, Integer}...)  

I.e., a triangle of methods that specify 0,1,2,3,... leading integer indices, then one particle index and then a varying number of union arguments, and immediately promotes all of them to particles so that they can be treated like they were all particles.

There are multiple packages that implement "indexing vectors", like StaticArrays OffsetArrays and probably similar packages like NamedArrays etc. Maybe one of these packages has a nice solution to this problem?

cscherrer commented 3 years ago

Thanks @baggepinnen , the "triangle of methods" idea is pretty clever, and seems like it might work