Open ILUT1 opened 8 months ago
Take a look at your input_prep/ file, check if it is executable. If not, chmod +x input_prep/
Take a look at your input_prep/ file, check if it is executable. If not, chmod +x input_prep/
I can't find "input_prep/" in RoseTTAFold-All-Aton folder. Can you tell me where is it?
Take a look at your input_prep/ file, check if it is executable. If not, chmod +x input_prep/
I can't find "input_prep/" in RoseTTAFold-All-Aton folder. Can you tell me where is it?
Hello, the input_prep is just below after you unzip rosettafold all atom. If you don't have it, the compressed package you downloaded may be incomplete
Take a look at your input_prep/ file, check if it is executable. If not, chmod +x input_prep/
Thanks, it works well! I also encountered the problem of #34.
I already solved problem #17 about UniRef30 database. (by changing folder name UniRef30 into uniclust and changing UniRef30_2021_06 into UniRef30_2020_06 in
However, I got another error while running the protein example.
$ ~/mambaforge/envs/RFAA/bin/python -m rf2aa.run_inference --config-name protein ~/mambaforge/envs/RFAA/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hydra/_internal/ UserWarning: In 'protein': Defaults list is missing
. See for more information warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) Using the cif atom ordering for TRP. ./ examples/protein/7u7w_A.fasta 7u7w_protein/A 4 64 pdb100_2021Mar03/pdb100_2021Mar03 Predicting: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 2.90sequences/s] Running HHblits against UniRef30 with E-value cutoff 1e-1011:15:12.435 INFO: Input file = 7u7wprotein/A/hhblits/t000.1e-10.a3m
11:15:12.435 INFO: Output file = 7u7wprotein/A/hhblits/t000.1e-10.id90cov75.a3m
11:15:12.522 WARNING: Maximum number 100000 of sequences exceeded in file 7u7wprotein/A/hhblits/t000.1e-10.a3m
11:15:28.884 INFO: Input file = 7u7wprotein/A/hhblits/t000.1e-10.a3m
11:15:28.884 INFO: Output file = 7u7wprotein/A/hhblits/t000.1e-10.id90cov50.a3m
11:15:28.970 WARNING: Maximum number 100000 of sequences exceeded in file 7u7wprotein/A/hhblits/t000.1e-10.a3m
Running PSIPRED Running hhsearch cat: 7u7wprotein/A/t000.ss2: No such file or directory
Should I modify other things?