balangs / eTeak

A GALS Synthesiser for the Balsa language
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how to install eTeak with stack #10

Open savior-help opened 8 years ago

savior-help commented 8 years ago

when i'm doing as the tutorial says first i cannot find any bootstrap file when you wrote to run ./bootstrap. and then when i run stack install i got error like below: any help would be appreciated.

savir@ubuntu:~/Soft/eTeak-master$ stack build cairo- configure glib- configure

-- While building package glib- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack18807/glib- -hidir /tmp/stack18807/glib- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack18807/glib- -o /tmp/stack18807/glib- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/logs/glib-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs,

/tmp/stack18807/glib- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex

a0)’ with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’ Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments In a stmt of a 'do' block: index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf In the expression: do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf; let cabalDep = Dependency (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion); case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of { [] -> die $ "The package requires Cabal library version " ++ display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed." pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely

‘conf’ In a stmt of a 'do' block: cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf

-- While building package cairo- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack18807/cairo- -hidir /tmp/stack18807/cairo- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack18807/cairo- -o /tmp/stack18807/cairo- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/logs/cairo-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs,

/tmp/stack18807/cairo- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex

a0)’ with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’ Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments In a stmt of a 'do' block: index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf In the expression: do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf; let cabalDep = Dependency (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion); case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of { [] -> die $ "The package requires Cabal library version " ++ display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed." pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely

‘conf’ In a stmt of a 'do' block: cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

please try installing these headers before running the ./bootstrap command: "apt-get install automake autoconf libgtk2.0-dev"

savior-help commented 8 years ago

i already installed all of them. but again i get error like below: -- While building package eTeak-0.4 using: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- build exe:aschem exe:eTeak exe:eTeak-runtime --ghc-options " -ddump-hi -ddump-to-file" Process exited with code: ExitFailure 2

do you have any tutorial video for this procedure?

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

You should have eTeak binary already built and ready to use at this directory: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal-

this issue comes up due to failure in compiling /doc/manual. We'll address this problem asap.

savior-help commented 8 years ago

i cannot run eteak using stack ecec command.and also there is not any executable file in the directory told. what should i do? Is there any virtual hard drive with eteak pre compiled on it?

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

Please try "stack build" now, just updated the setup procedure, to check whether it's installed properly you'd need to try "stack exec -- eTeak [options]"

savior-help commented 8 years ago

as seen below after again running the stack build i got these errors.and i also ran stack exec and the executable where not found.

savir@ubuntu:~/Soft/eTeak-master$ stack build glib- configure cairo- configure Progress: 2/6 -- While building package cairo- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack5629/cairo- -hidir /tmp/stack5629/cairo- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack5629/cairo- -o /tmp/stack5629/cairo- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/logs/cairo-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/stack5629/cairo- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex a0)’
                with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration
                                  -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’
    Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf
    In the expression:
      do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf;
           let cabalDep
                 = Dependency
                     (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion);
           case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of {
               -> die
                  $ "The package requires Cabal library version "
                      display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed."
             pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely ‘conf’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf

-- While building package glib- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack5629/glib- -hidir /tmp/stack5629/glib- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack5629/glib- -o /tmp/stack5629/glib- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/logs/glib-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/stack5629/glib- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex a0)’
                with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration
                                  -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’
    Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf
    In the expression:
      do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf;
           let cabalDep
                 = Dependency
                     (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion);
           case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of {
               -> die
                  $ "The package requires Cabal library version "
                      display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed."
             pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely ‘conf’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf
Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

make sure libgtk2.0-dev is installed, obviously the glib- and cairo- packages fail to build.
yes, we may provide Virtual Machine image down the line.

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

Please note that currently eTeak is installable on Ubuntu distribution of Linux OS. To install eTeak on Fedora or other distributions make sure the equivalent packages to libgtk2.0-devel are installed, otherwise you'd get glib- and cairo- build issues.

savior-help commented 8 years ago

unfortunately i'm currently using ubuntu 16.04 and while checking the libgtk2.0-dev is already installed.i don't know what's going on.....

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

please let us know what errors you get while building stack using "stack build" command.

savior-help commented 8 years ago

these are my errors.i did all you said. savir@ubuntu:~/Soft/fromgit/eTeak$ stack build cairo- configure glib- configure stm- download system-filepath- download stm- configure stm- build system-filepath- configure stm- copy/register system-filepath- build system-filepath- copy/register Progress: 4/31 -- While building package glib- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack5658/glib- -hidir /tmp/stack5658/glib- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack5658/glib- -o /tmp/stack5658/glib- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/fromgit/eTeak/.stack-work/logs/glib-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/stack5658/glib- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex a0)’
                with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration
                                  -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’
    Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf
    In the expression:
      do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf;
           let cabalDep
                 = Dependency
                     (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion);
           case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of {
               -> die
                  $ "The package requires Cabal library version "
                      display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed."
             pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely ‘conf’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf

-- While building package cairo- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack5658/cairo- -hidir /tmp/stack5658/cairo- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack5658/cairo- -o /tmp/stack5658/cairo- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/fromgit/eTeak/.stack-work/logs/cairo-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/stack5658/cairo- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex a0)’
                with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration
                                  -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’
    Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf
    In the expression:
      do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf;
           let cabalDep
                 = Dependency
                     (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion);
           case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of {
               -> die
                  $ "The package requires Cabal library version "
                      display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed."
             pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely ‘conf’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf
Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

ok, you'll also need to install "Libglib2.0-dev, libcairo2.0-dev, libpango1.0-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libglade2.0-dev" libraries to resolve the issue with glib and cairo libraries (from issue #2 )

Alternatively, If the problem still exsits after trying the proposed fixures above you can use Ubuntu-15.4 VMware with pre-installed eTeak at the following directory (username:ubuntu/password:reverse):

Please let me know if these cure your problem with installation.

savior-help commented 8 years ago

hi a tried installing your recommended packages, a had all installed except "libglade2.0-dev" and after installing and trying i again got the same below: savir@ubuntu:~/Soft/eTeak-master$ stack build cairo- configure glib- configure semigroups-0.18.1: download mmorph-1.0.6: download mmorph-1.0.6: configure mmorph-1.0.6: build semigroups-0.18.1: configure semigroups-0.18.1: build mmorph-1.0.6: copy/register semigroups-0.18.1: copy/register Progress: 4/23 -- While building package glib- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack14019/glib- -hidir /tmp/stack14019/glib- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack14019/glib- -o /tmp/stack14019/glib- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/logs/glib-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/stack14019/glib- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex a0)’
                with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration
                                  -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’
    Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf
    In the expression:
      do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf;
           let cabalDep
                 = Dependency
                     (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion);
           case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of {
               -> die
                  $ "The package requires Cabal library version "
                      display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed."
             pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely ‘conf’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf

-- While building package cairo- using: /home/savir/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc --make -odir /tmp/stack14019/cairo- -hidir /tmp/stack14019/cairo- -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/home/savir/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-5.8/7.10.3/pkgdb /tmp/stack14019/cairo- -o /tmp/stack14019/cairo- Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 Logs have been written to: /home/savir/Soft/eTeak-master/.stack-work/logs/cairo-

[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     ( SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/stack14019/cairo- )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO (PackageIndex.PackageIndex a0)’
                with actual type ‘ProgramConfiguration
                                  -> IO PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex’
    Probable cause: ‘getInstalledPackages’ is applied to too few arguments
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf
    In the expression:
      do { index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf;
           let cabalDep
                 = Dependency
                     (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion);
           case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of {
               -> die
                  $ "The package requires Cabal library version "
                      display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed."
             pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) } }

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
                with actual type ‘[PackageDB]’
    In the second argument of ‘getInstalledPackages’, namely
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf

    Couldn't match type ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
                   with ‘[PackageDB]’
    Expected type: PackageDBStack
      Actual type: ProgramConfiguration
    In the second argument of ‘cabalLibVersionToUse’, namely ‘conf’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf
Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

no worries, use the VMware then.

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

Please check and see if eTeak-VMware works for you. Hope the problem is fixed.

savior-help commented 8 years ago

thanks for your supports now i can run eteak gui.but i have a question now : when i want to synthesis one of examples for instance adder example i can successfully create verilog file. but when i want to show the graphical view of the design it give an error of some file with the same name as design file and format of .dot1.what is this error related to? i really appreciate your help.

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

try sudo apt-get install graphviz

savior-help commented 8 years ago

hi as you told by installing the graphviz package i could fix the problem with gui. thanks so much. i have a couple of questions and i would appreciate it if you could answer: 1.when i'm using the harness file and i edited the top.v file and also installed iverilog and i get the output file(.out) by executing it i just get a .vcd file with bunch of dumped values and not the output.dat file which contains the simulations result. 2.can you elaborate on top file? what are "done" and "go" and "inout" sections for? and how does a synthesised module's ports should be driven in general? and how can i also make a simulation with altera modelsim tool? thanks alot

analava commented 8 years ago

1- Be sure that you have buffered the links, when there is no output, sth is wrong with the functionality. try" -L -l simple =1 " . In case of no outputs afterwards, there is sth wrong with your circuit OR test bench. 2- top.v file is just a test bench in which the input signals are set. If you take a look at the generated netlist, you can see your top module teak_(yourModule'sName) and it's parameters. top.v is just an example of a testbench and you can change it the way you desire, but make sure that you are using the right protocol which is 4-phase dual rail. The existing top.v is a great example and you just need to customize it for your own module. you can use modelsim too, you just need to take your related files there. Good Luck

savior-help commented 8 years ago

thanks for your answer i have some questions: 1-how should i buffer the links?(you mean calling buffer after getting inputs and writing to outputs?) 2-i completely read the top.v file and i also edited it but there is some questions still; what is go pins in DUT module cause i don't see anything in my synthesised design.and what does "go" and "done" sections mean? thanks alot

analava commented 8 years ago

I think the topic is not related to installing eTeak anymore. Please make new issues related to the exact problem that could be easier for further use. BTW, buffering maters in eTeak: . if you use --help or --latch-usage, you would see that different buffering policies exist. I suggest "simple" at first. you can use GUI for buffering or from the command line, using -L -l simple=1 in your network generation or netlist generation command. Go and Done signals initiate the start and completion of the circuit respectively. so you should consider them in your test bench with the right protocol. If you dont have go and done in your module, I suppose you have used a loop with I component which is the initiator component, so simply ignore go and done sections.