Open neturmel opened 10 months ago
I noticed that too. If you open Fluidd/Mainsail next to gappyscreen with z-offset controls. Plus and minus signs are opposite relative to the arrow direction on it. I wanted to double check what they actually do, but didn't get chance to do proper test.
This is on the homing panel or the fine tune panel?
Fine tune while active print is running
Will flip it on next release
I'm in guppyscreen v0.0.21-beta and it's still opposite of what I see in mainsail. Plus should have arrow up icon Minus - arrow down?
Thanks for the pictures. Will get to it in next release, just had to recreate the c array assets after renaming these 2 icons.
@ballaswag also some movement icons on the movement screen are reversed (as compared to what printer does. I think it's both Z an Y axes
@ballaswag also some movement icons on the movement screen are reversed (as compared to what printer does. I think it's both Z an Y axes
I agree. @ballaswag Please add an option in the Config screen to invert the direction(s), like Fluid does with "Invert X/Y/Z control"
A user of a V3 KE here. Why there is an option in the settings to invert the Z icons instead of it being fixed by default? Z- is down and Z+ is up, as it's in Klipper. Is it not?
A user of a V3 KE here. Why there is an option in the settings to invert the Z icons instead of it being fixed by default? Z- is down and Z+ is up, as it's in Klipper. Is it not?
it's not if you have a K1 where the hotbed moves, and not your hotend, so I could say the same about your statement ;)
Z+ is distancing the nozzle from the bed and Z- is making it closer, is it not? Then the icon is wrong, the icon shows a dot and up, meaning distancing the hotend from the bed. Aren't there better icons for this?
Z+ is distancing the nozzle from the bed and Z- is making it closer, is it not? Then the icon is wrong, the icon shows a dot and up, meaning distancing the hotend from the bed. Aren't there better icons for this?
have you read my previous comment? On KE (which I had) the hotted moves down on Z-, on K1 bed moves up.
@ballaswag is is possible to display it the visually correct way depending on the machine it's running on?
on K1 bed moves up.
That's what I'm trying to understand. You say moves up, meaning it's gettings closer to the bed. Is that right? That would mean it's the same command, just the visual is incorrect. That's my understanding of this bug. So I purpose something like this: For Z+, which is to distance the bed from the hotend. In Font Awesome library icons it's called arrows-left-right-to-line
And an icon like this: (It's missing the lines, but maybe you don't need to. To demonstrate the Z-
That all depends on if the Z- or Z+ is similar between the machines.
In my opinion, the arrow icons for z+ and z- movement are reversed, z+ moves the nozzle up and z- down. The arrows are only correct if you see it as z offset. But maybe that is only me.