bamorim / typed_ecto_schema

A library to define Ecto schemas with typespecs without all the boilerplate code.
Apache License 2.0
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TypedEctoSchema provides a DSL on top of Ecto.Schema to define schemas with typespecs without all the boilerplate code.

For example, if you want to add type information about your Ecto.Schema, you normally do something like this:

defmodule Person do
  use Ecto.Schema

  @enforce_keys [:name]

  schema "people" do
    field(:name, :string)
    field(:age, :integer)
    field(:happy, :boolean, default: true)
    field(:phone, :string)
    belongs_to(:company, Company)
    timestamps(type: :naive_datetime_usec)

  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t(),
          id: integer() | nil,
          name: String.t(),
          age: non_neg_integer() | nil,
          happy: boolean(),
          phone: String.t() | nil,
          company_id: integer() | nil,
          company: Company.t() | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t() | nil,
          inserted_at: NaiveDateTime.t(),
          updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t()

With typed_ecto_schema you can just do:

defmodule Person do
  use TypedEctoSchema

  typed_schema "people" do
    field(:name, :string, enforce: true, null: false)
    field(:age, :integer) :: non_neg_integer() | nil
    field(:happy, :boolean, default: true, null: false)
    field(:phone, :string)
    belongs_to(:company, Company)
    timestamps(type: :naive_datetime_usec)


Install it, add to your deps:

{:typed_ecto_schema, "~> 0.4.1", runtime: false}

And change your use Ecto.Schema for use TypedEctoSchema and change the calls to schema for typed_schema and embedded_schema to typed_embedded_schema.

Check the online documentation for further details.


This project started as a fork of the awesome typed_struct.

That being said, I'd like to give some special thanks to