banban525 / echonetlite2mqtt

ECHONET Lite to MQTT bridge.
MIT License
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docker echonet-lite mit-license mqtt


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ECHONET Lite to MQTT bridge.

日本語のReadmeはこちら (Readme in Japanese is here)


This application publishes ECHONET Lite devices to MQTT. And uses MQTT to work with ECHONET Lite devices. This will allow you to operate your ECHONET Lite device from a smart home application that supports MQTT.


The supported devices are as follows.




more demo movies and settings examples

How to use

echonetlite2mqtt automatically finds devices in the same network. Therefore, echonetlite2mqtt must be run on the same network as the devices. Also, when using docker, --net=host is required.

Use docker

  1. Run the following command
    docker run -d --net=host -e MQTT_BROKER="mqtt://your.mqtt.brocker" banban525/echonetlite2mqtt 
  2. Open "http://(docker host):3000" in your browser. You can view the detected devices and logs.

Use Node.js

  1. clone this repository.
git clone
  1. Run the following command to initialize in repository root directory.
cd echonetlite2mqtt
npm install
  1. Run the following command to start the service.
npm start -- --MqttBroker "mqtt://your.mqtt.brocker"
  1. Open "http://localhost:3000" in your browser. You can view the detected devices and logs.

Environment Variables and Commandline Parameters

MQTT Options

Environment Variables Commandline Parameter Description
MQTT_BROKER --MqttBroker MQTT Brocker's URL. starts with "mqtt://" or "mqtts://".
MQTT_OPTION_FILE --MqttOptionFile the MQTT option file path. The schema is MQTT.js ClientOptions. (Default: empty)
MQTT_CA_FILE --MqttCaFile The MQTT CA file path. If this file exists, it will be loaded and set as an "ca" option. (Default: not load)
MQTT_CERT_FILE --MqttCertFile The MQTT cert file path. If this file exists, it will be loaded and set as an "cert" option. (Default: not load)
MQTT_KEY_FILE --MqttKeyFile The MQTT key file path. If this file exists, it will be loaded and set as an "key" option. (Default: not load)
MQTT_BASE_TOPIC --MqttBaseTopic MQTT topic prefix. (Default:"echonetlite2mqtt/elapi/v2/devices")

REST API Options

Environment Variables Commandline Parameter Description
REST_API_HOST --RestApiHost Host IP of the administrator page. If there are multiple IPs, specify them. (Default:
REST_API_PORT --RestApiPort Admin page port number. (Default: 3000)

ECHONET Lite Options

Environment Variables Commandline Parameter Description
ECHONET_TARGET_NETWORK --echonetTargetNetwork Specify the network for ECHONET Lite in the format "". (Default: Auto)
ECHONET_DEVICE_IP_LIST --echonetDeviceIpList Specify the device IPs separated by commas. (Default: none)
ECHONET_COMMAND_TIMEOUT --echonetCommandTimeout Specify the timeout for ECHONET Lite commands. (Unit: ms) (Default: 3000)
ECHONET_DISABLE_AUTO_DEVICE_DISCOVERY --echonetDisableAutoDeviceDiscovery Disable automatic device discovery. (default: off)
ECHONET_ALIAS_FILE --echonetAliasFile The file path for alias option file. (Defalt: (empty))
ECHONET_LEGACY_MULTI_NIC_MODE --echonetLegacyMultiNicMode Revert to legacy communication mode. (Default: off)
ECHONET_UNKNOWN_AS_ERROR --echonetUnknownAsError Specifies whether to treat unknown classes and unknown properties as errors. (Default: off)
ECHONET_INTERVAL_TO_GET_PROPERTIES --echonetIntervalToGetProperties (Deprecated since v3.0.0) Specifies the time interval for acquiring ECHONET Lite properties. (Unit: ms) (Default: 100)
ECHONET_ALT_MULTI_NIC_MODE --echonetAltMultiNicMode (Deprecated since v3.0.0) Alternate mode in a multiple NIC environment. Specifies if you cannot receive status from the device. (Default: off)

Alias Option File Format

You can alias device Ids using ECHONET_ALIAS_FILE ( or --echonetAliasFile ) option. This option specifies the path of the Alias Option File.

The Alias ​​Option File is a Json file with the following format:

      "name":"alias name"



How to migrate from version 1.x to version 2.x

the major changes from version 1.x to version 2.x:

If you want to keep compatibility with version 1.x as much as possible, you can use the MQTT_BASE_TOPIC (or --MqttBaseTopic ) option for (1) and the ECHONET_ALIAS_FILE ( or --echonetAliasFile ) option for (2).

docker run -d --net=host -e MQTT_BROKER="mqtt://your.mqtt.brocker" -e MQTT_BASE_TOPIC="echonetlite2mqtt/elapi/v1/devices" -e ECHONET_ALIAS_FILE=/app/configure/alias.json -v (some folder):/app/configure banban525/echonetlite2mqtt 


npm start -- --MqttBroker "mqtt://your.mqtt.brocker" --MqttBaseTopic "echonetlite2mqtt/elapi/v1/devices" --echonetAliasFile ./alias.json


How to change MQTT broker connection options

You can set connection options in the json file. The schema of the json file is Client Options in mqtt.js.

For example, if you want to specify a username and password:

  1. Save the connection options file in any folder. (Example: /(any folder)/config.json)
  "port": 1883,
  "username": "your-username",
  "password": "your-password"
  1. [docker]Mount the configuration file with the -v option and set the file path with MQTT_OPTION_FILE.
docker run -d --net=host \ 
-v /(any folder)/config.json:/app/config/config.json \
-e MQTT_OPTION_FILE=/app/config/config.json \
-e MQTT_BROKER="mqtt://your.mqtt.brocker" \
  1. [node.js] Use the --MqttOptionFile option to set the file path of the configuration file.
npm start -- --MqttBroker "mqtt://your.mqtt.brocker" --MqttOptionFile /(any folder)/config.json

Property values are not updated automatically

(1) This application may not work properly if the execution environment has multiple IPs.

If your execution environment has multiple IPs, try the environment variable ECHONET_TARGET_NETWORK and ECHONET_ALT_MULTI_NIC_MODE. (when use Node.js, the command line parameter --echonetTargetNetwork and --echonetAltMultiNicMode)

(2) ECHONET Lite devices may not automatically send property values.

You can reload the properties on the web screen. If you can reload from the web screen, you can manually update the properties by sending an MQTT topic.

For example, if you want to update the room temperature value of an air conditioner, send the following MQTT topic. (Replace "fe00-your-device-id-00000000000000" with your device ID.)


I want to specify the set temperature of the air conditioner in units of 0.5 degrees.

This is not possible as the ECHONET Lite "Set temperature value" (ja:温度設定値) specification is in units of 1 degree.

See specs below.

I want to add a device definition

ECHONETLite2MQTT uses Echonet lite Machine Readable Appendix (MRA) as a device definition. However, you may want to use a device class that is not in MRA, or a manufacturer-specific extension. You can overwrite the MRA definition by creating a Json file with the eoj name in the "MRA_custom" folder.

Example: For air conditioner (eoj=0x0130)


   "eoj": "0x0130"

For the file format, please refer to Echonet lite Machine Readable Appendix (MRA). Also, Json Schema is provided in "MraTypes.schema.json".

Third party use



