barbeau / EncogME

A port of the Encog neural network project to Java Micro Edition, as well as supporting server-side projects that allow a neural network to be trained server-side, and then have the trained model extracted and transferred to the mobile phone for neural net execution in real-time on the mobile device.
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Encog Micro Edition


A port of the Encog neural network project to Java Micro Edition, as well as supporting server-side projects that allow a neural network to be trained server-side, and then have the trained model extracted and transferred to the mobile phone for neural net execution in real-time on the mobile device.


Details about the Encog ME architecture are available on the website:

All projects

  1. EncogCoreJavaME - Core neural net code ported to Java Micro Edition
  2. EncogDesktop - Testing desktop app used to produce neural net training and testing times in an desktop environment
  3. EncogJavaMEApp - Java ME app, which implements a GUI and network communication with server on top of EncogCoreJavaME
  4. EncogModelGenerator - Destkop software used to train a neural network and store the trained model as XML in a database
  5. wsEncogResults - Glassfish web app project, which receives requests from EncogJavaMEApp for trained neural net models, retrieved the trained models from the database, and returns them to the mobile app