barisusakli / nodebb-plugin-imgur

A plugin that uploads images to imgur
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Doesn't Work On Mobile? #31

Open ds17f opened 7 years ago

ds17f commented 7 years ago

Awesome plugin with much needed functionality. Works perfectly and seamlessly on the desktop. Even on the desktop in responsive mode. But when I run this on Android or IOS it seems to roll back over to the normal upload system.

Does this work on mobile?

ds17f commented 7 years ago

I stand corrected, it doesn't roll back to the local upload. What I was seeing was the limit on the file upload size still applies. So if you set the maximum image size to something too small it will fail to upload that file to imgur reporting that the file is beyond the maximum allowed file size.

With that said, I'm still having an issue. On IOS the upload begins but fails at 13% reporting an error parsing the response from the server. On Android it reaches 100% and reports the same error.

It does not appear to report this error when a user uploads a profile picture. That works perfectly on mobile. I'm assuming the problem has to do with the way the text (Uploading %, then imgur url) is rendered into the composer on mobile.

Also, when I look in the imgur album that is the target for uploads I only see the images that were reported as successfully uploaded.