bartmachielsen / SupermarktConnector

Collecting product information from Dutch supermarkets: Albert Heijn and Jumbo using the Mobile API
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new jumbo version api #18

Open rogierrijs opened 2 years ago

rogierrijs commented 2 years ago

Jumbo uses v14 api, so the URL's need to change. Could you perhaps set the URL as an env variable, or as parameter? So we could easily change it in the configuration.

EnessenE commented 2 years ago

I have updated jumbo code to use the latest version of the API in #19

Lupphes commented 1 year ago

The current version of Jumbo API is v17. I have it working. also

I suggest using different headers, as they probably redesigned security.

    HEADERS = {
        "User-Agent": "LuppieApp/1.1.28 Android/14.0 Mobile",
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Accept-Encoding": "identity",

LuppieApp is my name; feel free to use anything else. Mozilla 5 is blocked.