basics / nuxt-booster

nuxt-booster will help you to improve the lighthouse performance score (100/100) of your website. 🚀
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Migration from nuxt-speedkit to nuxt-booster #1046

Open fareed13 opened 2 days ago

fareed13 commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug Build Size Increased from 104MB to 370MB After Migrating from Speed-Kit to Nuxt-Booster.

with nuxt-booster nuxt verison: 3.5.3 nuxt-booster:3.0.16

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 8 59 24 PM

with speed-kit nuxt verison: 3.5.3 nuxt-speed-kit: 3.0.0-next.20

ThornWalli commented 1 day ago

Hello @fareed13 ,

could you have a look at where in the .output folder the problem occurs?

fareed13 commented 1 day ago

@ThornWalli I encountered an issue with build size when using nuxt-booster compared to speed-kit. Here are the details:

Folder Name With Speed Kit With Booster
_nuxt 19.5 MB 18.8 MB
admin 11.4 MB 58.5 MB
blog 4.3 MB 21.7 MB
classes 47 MB 219.6 MB
curriculum 7.1 MB 1.4 MB
instructor 4.3 MB 20.2 MB
location 1.9 MB 8.9 MB
locations 3.3 MB 14 MB
agreements 304 KB 1.4 MB
attendance 307 KB 1.5 MB
belts 319 KB 1.5 MB
checkout 318 KB 1.5 MB
customers 321 KB 1.5 MB
events 304 KB 1.4 MB
gift-card 317 KB 1.5 MB
login 310 KB 1.5 MB
privacy-policy 304 KB 1.4 MB
profile 314 KB 1.5 MB
referral-hero 304 KB 1.5 MB
refund-policy 304 KB 1.4 MB
reservation 314 KB 1.5 MB
reviews 304 KB 1.4 MB
schedule 312 KB 1.5 MB
setup 269 KB 1.4 MB
test 303 KB 1.4 MB

As shown, the build size increases significantly for most folders when using nuxt-booster compared to speed-kit. This is causing issues with our deployment. Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you.

ThornWalli commented 23 hours ago

Interesting, so either the index.html or _payload.json files seem to be larger?

Unfortunately I can't reproduce this, so can you take a closer look?

If necessary, please provide files so that I can take a look at what has happened.

fareed13 commented 7 minutes ago

Thank you for looking into this. I took a closer look, and it seems that the significant size differences are primarily in the index.html files. Here are the specific sizes:

Folder Name With Speed Kit With Booster
index.html 289 KB 1.1 MB
_payload.json 631 bytes 631 bytes

As shown, the index.html files are much larger with nuxt-booster, while the _payload.json files remain the same size.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of our client's private repository, I'm unable to share the specific files directly. However, if there are any specific details or logs you need me to look at, please let me know and I'll do my best to provide the necessary information.