basir / next-15-admin-dashboard
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Build Dashboard App By Next.js 15, Drizzle ORM and Shadcn

Tech Next.js 15, React 19, PostgreSQL, Drizzle Orm, Shadcn, Tailwind
UI Tailwind, Shadcn, recharts
Database PostgreSQL, Drizzle Orm
Deployment Github, Vercel
Authentication Auth.js
Others zod , next-theme, ...

next 15 dashboard

Watch Video Tutorial

next postgresql amazona

View Demo Website

What you will learn

Run Locally

  1. Clone repo

    $ git clone
    $ cd next-pg-shadcn-ecommerce
  2. Create .env.local File

    • duplicate .env.example and rename it to .env.local
  3. Setup PostgreSQL

  4. Install and Run

     npm install
     npm run dev
  5. Seed Data

     npx tsx ./db/seed
  6. Admin Login

    • Open http://localhost:3000
    • Click Login button
    • Enter admin email "" and password "123456" and click Sign In


  1. create home page
  2. create login page
  3. create dashboard page
  4. connect to database by drizzle orm
  5. load stats boxes data from database
  6. display revenue chart
  7. create latest invoices table
  8. authenticate user from database
  9. list or delete invoices
  10. create or update invoices
  11. list customers
  12. enable partial pre-rendering
  13. deploy app on vercel

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