basking-in-the-sun2000 / solar-logger

A datalogger for a solar inverter. Stores data in influxdb and displays it in grafana. Has load diverting capability, to use the inverter's excess power
GNU General Public License v3.0
97 stars 31 forks source link

Smartlogger - more than one inverter #12

Closed bdkacz closed 3 years ago

bdkacz commented 3 years ago


I have Smartlogger 3000A and two SUN2000-60KTL-M0.

I created and add modbus registers for it from huawei documentation and it working but...

Smartlogger have address 0x00, inverters 0x01 and 0x02.

Now will be nice to read data from all three devices at the same time ,but how ? Running 3 instances of solar-logger (each with different probably will do what I want but IMHO it is not good solution


In I add list of devices

devices = { 'Logger': {'addr': 0x00, 'model':'SmartLogger' }, 'Inverter': {'addr': 0x01, 'model' : 'Huawei'}, 'Inverter': {'addr': 0x02, 'model': 'Huawei'} }

But I don't know where to add a for loop to make it an optimal place, not requiring a revolution in the whole code

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

I originally got a smartlogger 1000 since the tech person mentioned it should work for my needs. It didn't :( So that is why I made the logger. However, will have to think how to add more inverters to the logger.

Are you connecting through the modbus or tcp? Also can you access the inverter data through the smartlogger? The reason is I thought you could only address the inverter through the modbus address 0 when using tcp. Might be possible to access each with their own IP address, but might be easier if you can read the logger

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

via modbus tcp (I enable it on smartlogger) - when I change the slave address in to 0x01 or 0x02 I can normally read data from the inverters, but only from one at the same time

In documentation of modbus for smartlogger I don't find info how to access to data from each inverter via smartlogger address (I can only read total production of all inverters etc when I created separate with data addresses from smartlogger modbus manual and set slave address to 0x00)

Yes I have admin access to the smartlogger

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

One more - because the smartlogger don't send insulation info there is much error about it when I try to get data from smartlogger

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

let me think about how to work this out. Didn't consider power user's problems when I designed it lol Still trying to find the smart logger register map, but should be able to do something about reading 2 inverters.

Never considered that you couldn't read the insulation resistance. I'm tracking some values to warn you of issues during the lifetime and consider these vital. These include the insulation, wiring resistance (though this is only displayed on the dashboard), etc. Recently found a breaker heating up. After reseting it a few times in hopes of improving the connection, the wiring resistance dropped. Also gave the screws along the main wiring a once over, since some had loosen up a bit after a year.

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

SmartLogger Modbus documentation on page 29 (of file) defines way to access data from each inverter via remaping addresses but there is only few basic information - not all - for example will by nice to get info ab out each pv string -it is IMHO impossible via smartlogger, only by reading devices directly by using address 0x01,0x02,...

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Yes I know that You create it for your home use , but fusion solar app working horrible from day to day , dediacted huawei "local" solutions cost much money and is "closed", and I have good experiences with your software with my private PV installation. So will be nice if I can use it also in my company :)

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Reading data from smartlogger itself is not necessary for me - more improtant is possible of reading from two (or more) SUN20000 (slave devices) at the same time - because when I will have data from alll devices I can "calculate" smnartlogger data in grafana :)

BTW in measure Huawei IMHO we need to add SN of inverter, or other "id" to separate data from each inverter :)

I try to adapt the software by myself (I'm a C# programmer), but in code of there is a lot of code strictly from readings mixed with the code from the forecast and without good knowing of code (which you have) it is hard to make modificatrions :)

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

lol I can't log onto the Huawei repository (never got a email confirmation with a code), so your link helped. Thanks.

I saw, but ignored it, that it was for a commercial inverter (SUN2000-60KTL-M0). The register maps are different for commercial and residential. They have Interface Definitions V2.0 vs V3.0. The included might not work for your inverters.

Will take a look at the smart logger, but Huawei works from the idea of security through obscurity, since they don't publish all the info. You could try the scanner files to see if you find a more complete map. That is partly how I managed to provide more info than what Huawei publishes in their Interface Definitions.

Will take me a bit of time to figure the 2 inverter issues, so have patience. There is a parameter that might help identify each, but the grafana interface never considered this. So it might turn into a major hassle. The parameter is the location value in the config file. Not sure how messy reading will become.

Also glad you think the inverter is good enough for work :) I'm surprised that the smart logger didn't solve your needs. I thought it did what the solar-logger did and a lot more (they have a nice pf adjustment based on the meter value). Hope we can work out something you can use

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

SmartLogger may have a nice web interface, but the only thing you can do with the data is to export to a csv file and what Huawei found "useful information" ... so it's not the best solution :)

Besides, I don't really know how much data a smartlogger can hold (what memory it has), and here I am limited only by the disk of the machine on which I will run your logger :)

Creating a map for the SUN2000-60 is, I think, something that I can handle on my own, worse with the multi-device reading :)

Hope you would like this "challenge" :)

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Here is modbus definition for SUN2000-60 and other "big" inverters - using this for create map file and after set the slave address to 0x01 or 0x02 I can read data using Your software :) But as I wrote earlier, running 2 or 3 instances (if I would like to read also from SmartLogger) makes no sense, especially since each instance would download the same information about the weather forecast = problem with the limit :)

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

BTW why You choose influxdb, not for example MySQL ? System resoruces or something else ?

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

influxdb unlike sql db should be better designed for time series. It has a lot of sql commands, but also has a lot of limitations, though it should be better designed for the type of data you get from the inverter. The new flux language should overcome some of the limits. I have managed most of the garfada calls using the pseudo sql calls.

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Personally, in influxdb I am annoyed by operating conditions like -12h etc. There is no simple way to query for data, e.g. from midnight to now, or simply to query for a date range from to for example "WHERE date BETWEEEN 2021-01-01 and '2020-01-22' " :)

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

indeed it has a lot of limitations. Time is one, some queries are either very difficult or almost impossible. The new flux helps, but not perfect.

For time either it helped doing it in python, or grafana has ways around it.

Even with all that, in theory, time series should be better at handling large amounts of sequential data. Maybe influxdb wasn't the best choice, but seems solid in general

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

@bdkacz The smart logger doesn't provide all the registers, but you can access the most common through the 2.7 Remapped Modbus definitions. The meter is access through 2.4 Register Definitions for the Power Meter. The one that doesn't seem too clear is the 2.5 Register Definitions for the SUN2000.

Regardless, I will take a look at allowing more inverters to be polled by the solar-logger

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Solution for inverters with more than one string to read data from all.

In add

for x in range(config.strings): _register_map.update({ 'PV'+str(x+1) +'V' : {'addr': '320'+str(16+2x), 'registers': 1, 'name': 'PV ' +str( x) +' voltage', 'scale': 10, 'type': 'U16', 'units': 'V' , 'use': 'data', 'method': 'hold'}, 'PV'+str(x+1) +'A': {'addr': '320'+str(17+2x), 'registers': 1, 'name': 'PV ' + str(x) + ' current', 'scale': 100, 'type': 'U16', 'units': 'A' , 'use': 'data', 'method': 'hold'}})

and in attribute strings with number of strings in your inverter

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

I started with that idea, and don't recall why I decided not to go with it. Adding a loop for the extra strings doesn't seem complicated, and the docs mention you could have up to 24 strings.

Maybe thought that most residential units would only have one string (told you, power user's problems lol)? Could have been a problem with displaying all the strings (maybe it was to make it aware to the user, that they would need to add the extra strings to the graphs). Honestly, don't recall, but there was a reason why I decide against.

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

My home sun2000-6ktl-m0 have 2 strings :) BTW today I discover that the second string data from my inverter is not saved lol

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

In atttachent mapped file for Huawei "big" inverters - based on and corrections from documentation for enterprise devices

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Hi :) any news ? :)

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

just posted an upgrade for multiple strings 185b70fb32fe247ef2b8295724d4290509deb4bf

also included HuaweiEnt e882c4548a0ecbc78950ff49aa70ce3b66cc3f71

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Thanks :) So now just waiting for 2+ inverters support ;)

bdkacz commented 3 years ago

Hi :) Any progress with more than one inverter ? :)

basking-in-the-sun2000 commented 3 years ago

been giving this some thought and not sure I want to open that can of worms. Assuming you are using residential units and connecting using Modbus TCP, you would want to have workers connecting to the inverters. Otherwise the connection time could increase if you do it sequentially. This would be a major rewrite, that don't have the time for at the moment. For commercial units or using modbus RTU, you don't want to do this, since modbus has no collision safeguards.

Unless there is a brave soul wanting to tackle this, I'm going to close it for now