Closed amarnathreddy0201 closed 2 years ago
it is difficult to say without having the source code. Does it happen all the time ? or after restarting the app multiple times?
Would you share minimum buildable source code?
I got it sir this is because of CMakeLists.txt and I cleared.
Hi I'm receiving the same or
I got it sir this is because of CMakeLists.txt and I cleared.
I'm receiving the same problem. can you explain how you solved it because I'm stuck. I'm using visual studio 2019
You gonna download pypylon software of basler and inside cmake you gonna add all dlls location.
This is the python bindings for pylon repo.
To get everything you need for c++ development just look in the samples folder in any pylon SDK install
can you help me with this. I'm quite new and literally all the tutorials I saw confused me more. My dll files are at this location: C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 6\Runtime\Win32 what should I add to the basler cmake.txt?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW) # respect
project(PylonSamples VERSION 0.0) find_package(pylon)
add_executable( BaslerCameraSample BaslerCameraSample.cpp ) target_link_libraries( BaslerCameraSample PRIVATE pylon::pylon ) install( TARGETS BaslerCameraSample )
TARGET BaslerCameraSample POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
"C:/Program Files/Basler/pylon 6/Runtime/Win32"
add_custom_target(CopyDLLs ALL DEPENDS BaslerCameraSample) this is what I've done
If you mind please try this
set(basler_runtime "C:/Program Files/Basler/pylon 6/Runtime/x64") target_include_directories(simple_manager PRIVATE ${basler_runtime})
set(baslerdll "C:/Program Files/Basler/pylon 6/Development/lib/x64") target_link_directories(simple_manager PRIVATE ${baslerdll})
This is the method i used for Connecting libraries.
set(baslerdll "C:/Program Files/Basler/pylon 6/Development/lib/x64") target_link_directories(simple_manager PRIVATE ${baslerdll})
set(basler_runtime "C:/Program Files/Basler/pylon 6/Runtime/x64") target_include_directories(simple_manager PRIVATE ${basler_runtime})
set(basler "C:/Program Files/Basler/pylon 6/Development/include") target_include_directories(simple_manager PRIVATE ${basler})
This is the best solution I used Connect this properly with directions and some directories.
Hi Sir/Mam, I am getting error at cameras.startgrabbing using cpp
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF811B54F69 in cppStart.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: GenICam_3_1_Basler_pylon::RuntimeException at memory location 0x000000C7D16FF280.
How to resolve this error.