bavix / laravel-wallet

It's easy to work with a virtual wallet
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How to remove global scope on eager loading #980

Closed ISNewton closed 4 months ago

ISNewton commented 4 months ago

Describe your task Hi there, How to disable the default where slug = default scope where eager loading the wallet :

        $teachers = Teacher::query()
            ->with('wallet' ,function($query){
                $query->select('balance' , 'meta');
            ->whereHas('wallet' , function ($query) use ($request) {
                    ->where('slug', Teacher::getInstitutionWalletKey($request->institution->id));

This generates the following query:

"select * from `users` where exists (select * from `wallets` where `users`.`id` = `wallets`.`holder_id` and `wallets`.`holder_type` = ? and `slug` = ? and `slug` = ?)"

How to get rid of the extra where slug clause that comes with from the package?

ISNewton commented 4 months ago

This is solved by querying the wallets relation instead of wallet